Henry Morgenthau III Papers Relating to the Television Series "Eleanor Roosevelt: Prospects of Mankind", 1959-1962 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
Collection Overview
Title: Henry Morgenthau III Papers Relating to the Television Series "Eleanor Roosevelt: Prospects of Mankind", 1959-1962
Primary Creator: Henry Morgenthau III
Extent: 3.0 Linear Feet
Date Acquired: 10/00/1980
Collection Historical Note
During the last three years of her life, Eleanor Roosevelt hosted a television series entitled "Prospects of Mankind." The program was based at Brandeis University and was produced by National Educational Television, the forerunner of PBS. Henry Morgenthau III was at that time a producer for WGBH-TV, the Boston educational station as well as associate director of Brandeis University's Morse Communication Center. Mr. Morgenthau formulated the original proposal for the series and served as its executive producer.
The format for "Prospects of Mankind" was that of a colloquium, based on crucial national and international issues. Participants in these discussions during the three seasons included John F. Kennedy, Adlai Stevenson, Henry Kissinger and many other prominent world leaders.
The first program in the series was recorded the week of Mrs. Roosevelt's 75th birthday and the last season ended the summer of 1962, just a few months before her death on November 7th of that year.
Administrative Information
Repository: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
Acquisition Method: Presented to the Library in October 1980.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Eleanor Roosevelt: Prospects of Mankind],
Series 1: Eleanor Roosevelt: Prospects of Mankind -
Box 1 -
Series Proposal -
Program List -
Press Release -
General Correspondenc, 1961 -
General Correspondenc, 1963 -
Proposed Series "The American Experience:" Proposals, Program Ide, 1962-1963 -
Mailing Lists -
Correspondence - Beatrice Braud, 1962 -
Biographical Information-General -
WGBH-TV General Correspondence -
Season, Proposals, Schedules Corresponden, 1959-1960 -
"New Possibilities for Co-Existence" with V. K. Krishna Henon, Robert R. Bowie, Harrison Salisbury: Scripts, Correspondenc, October 4, 1959 -
"What Hope for Disarmament" with Jules Hoch, Trevor Gardner, Saville Davis: Miscellaneou, November 15, 1959 -
"Foreign Aid and Economic Policy"with Vijay Lakshmi Pandit, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur Lewis: Miscellaneou, December, 6 1959 -
"Europe Faces East and West" with Senator John F. Kennedy, Erwin D. Canham, Paul Rosenstein-Rodan: Miscellaneou, January 2, 1960 -
"Latin America: Neglected Neighbors" with Luis Munoz-Marin, Nelson Rockefeller, Benjamin Cohen: Schedules, Script, February, 6 1960 -
"Africa: Revolution in Haste" with Julius Nyerere, Barbara Ward, Ralph Bunche: Miscellaneou, March 13, 1960 -
"The American Image Abroad"with Denis Brogan, Harlan Cleveland, Santha Rama Rau: Excerpts, Schedule, April, 10 1960 -
"China: Shadow on the Summit" with Blair Frazer, Z. K. Brzezinski, Saville Davis: Program Information, Press Release, May 8, 1960 -
"Future of Democracy Abroad" with Adlai Stevenson, Vladimir Dedijer, Henry Kissinger: Program Information, Script, June 5, 1960 -
Season Schedules, Correspondenc, 1960-1961 -
"Britain: Ally or Neutral" with
Hugh Gaitskell, Lord Bertrand Russell, Lord Robert Boothby: Program Information, Correspondenc, September, 13 1960
"Rethinking Our Alliances " with Hans Morgenthau: Miscellaneou, January 8, 1961
Box 2 -
"Nuclear Test Ban-First Step to Arms Control" with Henry Kissinger, Chet Holifield, John Strachey, Laurence Martin: Miscellaneou, February, 5 1961 -
"Congo: Challenge to the UN" with Adlai Stevenson (introduction), G. Mennen Williams, Rajeshwar Dayal,Jaja Wachuku, William Frye: Correspondence, Transcript, March 30-31, 1961 -
"America's Propaganda capabilities"' with Edward R. Murrow, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Chanchal Sarkar, Roscoe Drummund: Correspondence, Script, May 26, 1961 -
Season Corresponce, 1961-1962 -
Season Program Schedule, 1961-1962 -
Background Information, Clipping, 1961-1962 -
"American Capitalism: Challenged at Home and Abroad" with Walter Reuther, Eric A. Johnson, Paul A. Samuelson, Robert McKenzie: Correspondence, Outlines, Schedules, Scripts,program Information, Background Information,Newspaper Clipping, September 9, 1961 -
"Berlin - What Choices Remain?"with Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Dr. Paul Tillich, Henry Kissinger, James B. Reston, Max Freedman: Correspondence, Program Information, Background Information, Clipping, October 7, 1961 -
"United Nations: Future Endangered?" with Harlan Cleveland, C. S. Jha, William Frye, Stanley Hoffman: Correspondence, Program Information, Scripts, Background Information, Clipping, November 2, 1961 -
"Southeast Asia in Crisis" with Jacob Javits, Vu Van Thai, Leo Cherne,Peggy Drudin: Correspondence, Program Information, Pre-Interviews, Scripts, Filming Schedules, Background Information, Clipping, December 3, 1961
Box 3 -
"Latin America Looks at Cuba"with Adlai Stevenson, Richard Goodwin, Roberto Campos, Theodore Draper, Tad Szulc: Correspondence Background Information, Clippings, Transcript, January 5, 1962 -
"Russia and China: What Does the Future Hold?" with Allen Dulles, Reinhold Niebuhr, Lord Lindsay of Birker, Seymour Freidin, Marshall Shulman: Correspondence, Transcripts, Schedules, Background Information,Clipping, February 4, 1962 -
"The Future of France" with Maurice Schumann, Raymond Aron, Stephanie Hessel, Alfred Grosser: Correspondence, Transcripts, Program Information, Pre-Interviews, Background Information, Newspaper Clipping, February 15, 1962
Box 4 -
"Europe: Robert Kervyn Rival or Partner" with Marjohn, Kenneth Younger, Baron Albert de Lettenhove, Edwin Dale, George Bal, February 16, 1962; March 27, 1962 -
Correspondence, Program Information, Transcripts -
"What Status for Homen" with President John F. Kennedy, Arthur J. Goldberg, Agda Rossel, Thomas Mendenhall, Mirra Komarovsky: Correspondence, Transcripts, Schedules, Fact Sheets, Background Informatio, April 18, 1962 -
"The Peace Corps: What Shape Shall It Take?" with President John F. Kennedy (introduction), Senator Hubert Humphrey, Samuel Hayes, Senteca Kajubi, Sargent Shriver: Correspondence, Scripts, Press Releases, Newspaper Clipping, April 5, 1962 -
"New Vistas for Television " with Newton Minow, Marya Mannes, Irving Gitlin, John White: Correspondence, Program Information, Pre-Interviews, Scripts,Taping Schedules, Biograpllical Information, Background Informatio, April 29, 1962
Box 5 -
"Campaign Money and Political Ethics" with James Farley and Joseph H. Martin, Jr. (introduction), Senator Paul Douglas, Robert McKenzie, Belle Zeller, Malcolm Moos: Correspondence, Program Information, Background Interviews , Press Releas, August 29, 1962 -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Miscellaneous -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Africa -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Civil Rights -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Conflict of Interests -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Foreign Policy -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Japan -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Presidency -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Biographical Informmation -
Newspaper Clippings, Background Information: Publicity -
Mimeographic Dittos
Box 6
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Eleanor Roosevelt: Prospects of Mankind],