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John Gilbert Winant Papers, 1916-1947 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

Collection Overview

Title: John Gilbert Winant Papers, 1916-1947Add to your cart.

Primary Creator: John Gilbert Winant (1889-1947)

Extent: 147.26 Cubic Feet

Date Acquired: 00/00/1948

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Winant Papers include correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial papers, campaign records and literature, appointment books, drafts of speeches and other writings, newspaper clippings and other printed material. Early papers relating to Winant’s government service in New Hampshire are of an official nature and deal with matters such as old-age insurance, unemployment relief, and conservation of natural resources; papers from later years, including the Ambassadorial period, are mainly personal files dealing with social invitations, speaking engagements and requests for recommendations, jobs, or assistance. Personal papers dealing with family affairs and financial matters are filed at the end of each series.

Collection Historical Note

John Gilbert Winant was born in New York City on February 23, 1889. He attended St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire and entered Princeton University as a member of the Class of 1913.

After withdrawing from Princeton in late 1912, Winant returned to St. Paul’s School as a history teacher. He became active in local politics and was elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 1917. When the United States entered World War I, Winant enlisted in the American Expeditionary Forces and was assigned to the 1st Aero Squadron. By the time he left the service in 1919, he had risen to the rank of Captain of the 8th Aero Squadron. After the war he returned to St. Paul’s school as a teacher and Second Vice-Rector. He reentered New Hampshire politics in 1920 and was elected to a term in the State Senate. Later he served a second term in the House and three terms as Governor of the state, 1925-26, 1931-32, and 1933-34.

Throughout his career, Winant was interested in social and labor legislation. During his Governorship, the State Legislature passed a Minimum Wage bill, a State Relief bill, an Aid to Dependent Children bill and established a State Planning Board. Winant also unsuccessfully supported the passage of a 48-Hour bill. In 1931, he proposed the “New Hampshire Plan” which urged a nationwide four-day work week as a means of solving the nation’s economic ills. At this time, Winant was also active in the National Recreation Association, the National Consumers’ League, the American Association for Labor Legislation, and the Young Men’s Christian Association.

Although a Republican, Winant became a supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal policies. In 1934 Roosevelt appointed him to an Advisory Council to the Committee on Economic Security which assisted the Labor Department in drafting national social security legislation.

After successful intervention in the 1933 strike of textile workers in Manchester, New Hampshire, Winant became head of a Special Board of Inquiry into the United Textile Workers’ Strike of 1934. His work on this committee gave rise to a movement to have him nominated as the 1936 GOP Presidential candidate. Winant refused to run for the Presidency or for a fourth term as Governor. Instead, he accepted the post of Assistant Director of the International Labor Office in Geneva in April 1935 but stayed in Geneva only a few months before returning to Washington to become the first chairman of the Social Security Board. Continuing his contacts with the International Labor Organization, he served as chairman of the American Delegation to the 1936 Labor Conference in Geneva. After Landon attacked the Social Security Act during the 1936 Presidential campaign, Winant resigned as Chairman of the Social Security Board to freely defend the Act and President Roosevelt; he later returned to the Chairmanship. Resigning from the Board a second time in early 1937, he returned to Geneva as Assistant Director of the I.L.O. He was made Director of the organization in February 1939. With the coming of the second World War, Winant assured the continuance of the I.L.O. by engineering the transfer of the Office to Montreal.

President Roosevelt appointed Winant to replace Joseph P. Kennedy as Ambassador to Great Britain in 1941. Winant advocated increased aid to Great Britain and Russia before the United States officially entered the war. He was extremely popular with the British people however his authority as Ambassador was often overshadowed by the dispatch of special missions to London and the personal relationship which developed between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill. Winant was also interested in post-war planning, particularly as it affected Russia and in November 1943 was named as Untied States representative on the European Advisory Commission which considered post-war treatment of Germany.

Early in 1946, President Truman appointed Winant to be the United States representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council which dealt with refugees, displaced persons and other post-war problems. Resigning as Ambassador, Winant returned to the United States in May 1946. He continued to serve on the Economic and Social Council until January 1947.

Though officially retired, Winant accepted the chairmanship of National Brotherhood Week in February 1947, making an exhausting cross-country speech-making tour. At that time he was also working on a series of books describing his Ambassadorial experiences. The first volume, entitled Letter From Grosvenor Square, was completed and he had begun work on the second when he died on November 3, 1947.

Administrative Information

Repository: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

Access Restrictions: This collection is available for use by the general public.

Use Restrictions: Material in this collection is subject to the Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S. Code.

Acquisition Source: Constance Winant, Rivington Winant and others

Acquisition Method: The papers of John Gilbert Winant were deposited in the Library by his widow, Constance Winant, in 1948 and 1949, and donated to the Library by his son, Rivington Winant, acting on behalf of himself and the other descendants of John G. Winant, in April 2000.

Related Materials: President’s Secretary’s File: Great Britain; President’s Secretary’s File: Great Britain: Winant; President’s Personal File 42 John G. Winant; President’s Official File 48 Great Britain; President’s Official File 1710 Social Security Board; President’s Official File 4281 John G. Winant; Bernard Bellush Papers; Isador Lubin Papers.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Early Papers, 1916-1930],
[Series 2: Governorship: Second Term, 1931-1932],
[Series 3: Governorship: Third Term, 1933-1934],
[Series 4: Papers, 1935-February 1941],
[Series 5: Internal Labor Organization, 1935-1941],
[Series 6: Ambassador to Great Britain, 1941-1946],
[Series 7: Post-Ambassadorial Period, 1946-1947],
[Series 8: Speeches and Writings, 1916-1947],
[Series 9: Printed Matter],

Series 1: Early Papers, 1916-1930Add to your cart.
Series 1 consists of Material concerning St. Paul’s School, Winant’s World War I experiences, terms in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, 1917 and 1923, term in the New Hampshire State Senate, 1921 and first term as Governor, 1925-1926. Arranged chronologically and thereunder alphabetically. Also family, personal and business correspondence.

Box 1Add to your cart.

St. Paul's SchoolAdd to your cart.

Winant Family and Personal, 1917-1918Add to your cart.

Notes and Drafts for Manuscript on Daniel WebsterAdd to your cart.

World War I MemorandaAdd to your cart.

Aerial PhotographsAdd to your cart.

Lecture Notes from Princeton University (4 notebooks)Add to your cart.

Notes on Aviation Techniques (2 notebooks)Add to your cart.

Box 2Add to your cart.

A (General)Add to your cart.

AgricultureAdd to your cart.

American Red CrossAdd to your cart.

AntiquesAdd to your cart.

ApplicationsAdd to your cart.

AutomobilesAdd to your cart.

Ayrshire Cattle Breeders AssociationAdd to your cart.

B (General)Add to your cart.

Bender, Capt. Walter, 1922-1924Add to your cart.

BooksAdd to your cart.

C (General)Add to your cart.

Carter and Kimball St. HousesAdd to your cart.

ContributionsAdd to your cart.

Box 3Add to your cart.

D (General)Add to your cart.

Deerfield AcademyAdd to your cart.

DogsAdd to your cart.

E (General)Add to your cart.

European Trip, 1923Add to your cart.

F (General)Add to your cart.

G (General)Add to your cart.

Granite Monthly CompanyAdd to your cart.

H (General)Add to your cart.

Home Town Coolidge Club, Plymouth, VermontAdd to your cart.

Hopkins, Miss E. R., 1922-1930Add to your cart.

I (General)Add to your cart.

Ivy ClubAdd to your cart.

J (General)Add to your cart.

Box 4Add to your cart.

K (General)Add to your cart.

L (General)Add to your cart.

League of Nations Non-Partisan AssociationAdd to your cart.

Letters Previous to 1922Add to your cart.

Lincoln Portrait CommitteeAdd to your cart.

M (General)Add to your cart.

Mirror (Manchester)Add to your cart.

Music Club of Concord, NHAdd to your cart.

N (General)Add to your cart.

Box 5Add to your cart.

National Monetary AssociationAdd to your cart.

New England Citizenship Conference, 1924Add to your cart.

New Hampshire Orphan's HomeAdd to your cart.

New York Committee, 1921Add to your cart.

New York DutiesAdd to your cart.

O (General)Add to your cart.

P (General)Add to your cart.

R (General)Add to your cart.

Real EstateAdd to your cart.

S (General)Add to your cart.

Winant, John GilbertAdd to your cart.

S, 1926Add to your cart.

T, 1926Add to your cart.

W, 1926Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1927-1928Add to your cart.

American Association for Labor Legislation, 1928-1929Add to your cart.

D-KAdd to your cart.

Holderness SchoolAdd to your cart.

Miscellaneous "N"Add to your cart.

Box 6Add to your cart.

New England Council, 1929-1930Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous "O"Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous "P"Add to your cart.

Playground and Recreation AssociationAdd to your cart.

Miscellaneous "U-V"Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous "Y"Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous New Hampshire Legislature Correspondence, 1916-1921Add to your cart.

1921 LegislatureAdd to your cart.

Box 7Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous Papers (1923 Legislature)Add to your cart.

Sheppard-Towner Act, 1923Add to your cart.

The Constitutional Amendment and TaxationAdd to your cart.

Workmen's Compensation Act (Reports, etc.)Add to your cart.

Workmen's Compensation Act (Correspondence)Add to your cart.

The 48-Hour LawAdd to your cart.

"A Study of the New Hampshire Legislature of 1913" by Leonard Dupee WhiteAdd to your cart.

Box 8Add to your cart.

1924 CampaignAdd to your cart.

Miscellaneous papers, financial records, notices of receipt of campaign contributions, campaign literature, newspaper clippings, etc.Add to your cart.

Box 9Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Executive Council Meetings, Minutes of, 1925-1926Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - 48-Hour LawAdd to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Governorship Congratulations, 1924Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Invitations, 1924-1925Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1925Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1926Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - National Economic LeagueAdd to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Photographs and Paintings, 1924-1926Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Playground and Recreation Association, 1926Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Proclamations, 1925-1926Add to your cart.

Box 10Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Public Service CommissionAdd to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Purchasing AgentAdd to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Q (General)Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Ra-Rn (General)Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - V (General)Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Water PowerAdd to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - World CourtAdd to your cart.

Box 11Add to your cart.

Governorship: First Term - Budget MattersAdd to your cart.

Box 12Add to your cart.

Campaign of 1926Add to your cart.

Box 13Add to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - Correspondence (Pre-campaign), January-July 1930Add to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - General CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - Post-Election Correspondence, November-December 1930Add to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - Response Cards (To Circular Letter)Add to your cart.

Box 14Add to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - Lists - Speakers and Campaign Workers, 1930Add to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - Financial MattersAdd to your cart.

Campaign of 1930 - Newspaper ClippingsAdd to your cart.

Box 15Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - Correspondence: A-Z, 1923-1927Add to your cart.

Box 16Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - (Bills and Other Financial Papers)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - A (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - ApplicationsAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - B-F (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - FuelAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - G (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - Gulf Refining CompanyAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - H (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - Herter, Fritz, 1928Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - InsuranceAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - J-M (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - McLane and Davis, ManchesterAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - N-O (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - Orr and Rolfe, ConcordAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - P-U (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - Upton and DonovanAdd to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - V-W (General)Add to your cart.

Merrimack Realty Company Papers - Merrimack Realty Company, StatementsAdd to your cart.

Box 17Add to your cart.

University of New Hampshire: Correspondence, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

University of New Hampshire: PresidencyAdd to your cart.

Box 18Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Balance Sheets: TrustsAdd to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Coyle, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1922Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Doe, Jessie, 1924-1925Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Este, J. D. and Norman S. Mackie, 1922-1923Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Farmer's Loan and Trust Company, 1921-1925Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - First National Bank of ConcordAdd to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Gilbert, Clinton, 1920-1925Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Hornblower and Weeks, 1925Add to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - InsuranceAdd to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Jeffries and LindsleyAdd to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Maxwell Motor Company, 7% NotesAdd to your cart.

Financial and Investment Matters - Merrill, Oldham and Co. (Joseph T. Walker, Jr.)Add to your cart.

Box 19Add to your cart.

Clippings re Finance, November-December 1929Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, A-C, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Box 20Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, D-I, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, Insurance, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, J-K, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Box 21Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, L-P, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Box 22Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, Q-Y, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, Yacht Receipts, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Receipted Bills, Z, 1921-1927Add to your cart.

Series 2: Governorship: Second Term, 1931-1932Add to your cart.
Series 2 consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports arranged alphabetically by subject or surname of correspondent. Includes correspondence with various State agencies and departments, particularly regarding relief projects and assistance; family, personal and business correspondence.

Box 23Add to your cart.

Aa-Ak (General)Add to your cart.

Acts Signed by the GovernorAdd to your cart.

Adjutant GeneralAdd to your cart.

Agersborg, Dr. H. P. K.Add to your cart.

Box 24Add to your cart.

AgricultureAdd to your cart.

Al (General)Add to your cart.

Am-Ap (General)Add to your cart.

American LegionAdd to your cart.

Anonymous LettersAdd to your cart.

ApplicationsAdd to your cart.

Box 25Add to your cart.

Appointments and NominationsAdd to your cart.

Appointments - Judge of Municipal CourtsAdd to your cart.

Appointments and Reports of Commissions - Police CommissionerAdd to your cart.

Box 26Add to your cart.

Ar-Az (General)Add to your cart.

ArmoriesAdd to your cart.

Arts and CraftsAdd to your cart.

Athletic CommissionAdd to your cart.

Atlantic Gypsum Products CompanyAdd to your cart.

Attorney GeneralAdd to your cart.

AuditorsAdd to your cart.

AviationAdd to your cart.

Ba (General)Add to your cart.

Bane, Dr. Frank (American Public Welfare Assn.)Add to your cart.

Box 27Add to your cart.

Bank commission (and Banks)Add to your cart.

Bathing BeachesAdd to your cart.

Be (General)Add to your cart.

Berlin, New HampshireAdd to your cart.

Bi-BlAdd to your cart.

BillboardsAdd to your cart.

Bo (General)Add to your cart.

BondsAdd to your cart.

BostonAdd to your cart.

Boy Scouts (1)Add to your cart.

Box 28Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts (2)Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts (3)Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts (4)Add to your cart.

Br (General)Add to your cart.

Box 29Add to your cart.

Brookings InstitutionAdd to your cart.

Bu (General)Add to your cart.

Budget EstimatesAdd to your cart.

Burroughs, RobertAdd to your cart.

ButterAdd to your cart.

Ca (General)Add to your cart.

Camps, Various Data reAdd to your cart.

cancerAdd to your cart.

Ce-Ch (General)Add to your cart.

Box 30Add to your cart.

Child Health, White House Conference onAdd to your cart.

Christian Work (University of New Hampshire)Add to your cart.

Christmas, 1932Add to your cart.

Chronological File, January-March 1932Add to your cart.

Chronological File, April-June 1932Add to your cart.

Chronological File, July-September 1932Add to your cart.

Box 31Add to your cart.

Chronological File, October-December 1932Add to your cart.

CitiesAdd to your cart.

Cl (General)Add to your cart.

Co (General)Add to your cart.

CommunismAdd to your cart.

ComptrollerAdd to your cart.

Box 32Add to your cart.

Comptroller SurveyAdd to your cart.

Con (General)Add to your cart.

Concord SilversmithsAdd to your cart.

CongratulationsAdd to your cart.

Consumers' ResearchAdd to your cart.

ContributionsAdd to your cart.

Coos County, Loan toAdd to your cart.

CouncilAdd to your cart.

County Affairs, Investigation ofAdd to your cart.

County CommissionersAdd to your cart.

Coyle-Concord Oil CompanyAdd to your cart.

Box 33Add to your cart.

Cr-Cy (General)Add to your cart.

Crime Commission, Report from CoolidgeAdd to your cart.

Da (General)Add to your cart.

Dartmouth CollegeAdd to your cart.

Daylight Saving TimeAdd to your cart.

De (General)Add to your cart.

Deering Community CenterAdd to your cart.

DiatomiteAdd to your cart.

Do (General)Add to your cart.

DonationsAdd to your cart.

Drier, Tom, 1931-1932Add to your cart.

Du (General)Add to your cart.

Ea-Ek (General)Add to your cart.

Box 34Add to your cart.

Eastern States Exposition, 1931Add to your cart.

Eastern States Exposition, 1932Add to your cart.

Eclipse of the Sun, August 31, 1932Add to your cart.

EducationAdd to your cart.

El-Ez (General)Add to your cart.

Eliot Toll BridgeAdd to your cart.

Engagements, January-December 1931Add to your cart.

Box 35Add to your cart.

Engagements, January-July 1932Add to your cart.

Engagements, August-December 1932Add to your cart.

Engineers - ContractorsAdd to your cart.

Executive OrdersAdd to your cart.

Extradition MaterialAdd to your cart.

Fa-Fe (General)Add to your cart.

Farm BureauAdd to your cart.

Fi (General)Add to your cart.

Financial Reports From Departments (1)Add to your cart.

Financial Reports From Departments (2)Add to your cart.

Financial Reports - Municipal and CountyAdd to your cart.

Box 36Add to your cart.

Fisheries and Game - AppointmentsAdd to your cart.

Fisheries and Game - George W. BowmanAdd to your cart.

Fisheries and Game - Winthrop ParkerAdd to your cart.

Fisheries and Game - GeneralAdd to your cart.

Fl-Fo (General)Add to your cart.

FlagsAdd to your cart.

Box 37Add to your cart.

Foreign Policy AssociationAdd to your cart.

Forestry DepartmentAdd to your cart.

Form LettersAdd to your cart.

Fr-Fu (General)Add to your cart.

Frary, William T., 1931Add to your cart.

Ga-Ge (General)Add to your cart.

Gambling (at various places)Add to your cart.

Gi-Gl (General)Add to your cart.

Glencliffe, New Hampshire (State Sanatorium)Add to your cart.

Go (General)Add to your cart.

Goodwill Industries of America, Inc.Add to your cart.

GorhamAdd to your cart.

GovernmentAdd to your cart.

Box 38Add to your cart.

Governor's BallAdd to your cart.

Governors' Conference, 1931-1932Add to your cart.

Governorship, 1932Add to your cart.

Governorship, 1932: Congratulations: A-DAdd to your cart.

Governorship, 1932: Congratulations: E-GAdd to your cart.

Governorship, 1932: Congratulations: H-KAdd to your cart.

Governorship, 1932: Congratulations: L-OAdd to your cart.

Box 39Add to your cart.

Governorship, 1932: Congratulations: P-RAdd to your cart.

Governorship, 1932: Congratulations: S-ZAdd to your cart.

Gr-Gu (General)Add to your cart.

Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Tidewater Association Bulletin: Seaway NewsAdd to your cart.

Guaranty Trust Company, Berlin, NHAdd to your cart.

Ha-Han (General)Add to your cart.

Hampton Beach - Coastal Erosion, etc.Add to your cart.

Har-Has (General)Add to your cart.

He (General)Add to your cart.

Health, Board ofAdd to your cart.

Box 40Add to your cart.

Hi (General)Add to your cart.

Highway Department (1), 1931Add to your cart.

Highway Department (2)Add to your cart.

Highway Department (1), 1932Add to your cart.

Highway Department (2)Add to your cart.

Highway Department (3)Add to your cart.

Box 41Add to your cart.

Highway Department (4), 1932Add to your cart.

Highway Department, StateAdd to your cart.

Highway Department Budget and Projects for Coming YearAdd to your cart.

Highway Safety CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Historical Society, New Hampshire - Major Otis G. Hammond, Director and SecretaryAdd to your cart.

Ho (General)Add to your cart.

Holderness SchoolAdd to your cart.

Hoover, President HerbertAdd to your cart.

House of RepresentativesAdd to your cart.

Box 42Add to your cart.

Hu-Hy (General)Add to your cart.

I (General)Add to your cart.

Important CommunicationsAdd to your cart.

Inaugural, 1932Add to your cart.

Industrial SchoolAdd to your cart.

Industrial School - ParolesAdd to your cart.

InstitutionsAdd to your cart.

InsuranceAdd to your cart.

International YMCAAdd to your cart.

Box 43Add to your cart.

International YMCA - Geneva SchoolAdd to your cart.

International YMCA - Heinrichs Meeting at the Governor's, March 18, 1932Add to your cart.

Interstate Commerce Commission (1)Add to your cart.

Interstate Commerce Commission (2)Add to your cart.

Interstate Commerce Commission (3)Add to your cart.

Box 44Add to your cart.

Interstate Commerce CommissionAdd to your cart.

Invitations, January-July 1931Add to your cart.

Box 45Add to your cart.

Invitations, August 1931-April 1932Add to your cart.

Box 46Add to your cart.

Invitations, May-September 1932Add to your cart.

Box 47Add to your cart.

Invitations, October-December 1932Add to your cart.

Iselin, A. and CompanyAdd to your cart.

Ja-Je (General)Add to your cart.

Jacks, Dr. L. P. - Visit to New EnglandAdd to your cart.

Jo (General)Add to your cart.

K (General)Add to your cart.

Kendall, Henry P., 1932Add to your cart.

Box 48Add to your cart.

La (General)Add to your cart.

Labor BureauAdd to your cart.

Laconia State SchoolAdd to your cart.

Land Utilization StudiesAdd to your cart.

Larivee, Jules, Jr., 1932Add to your cart.

Le (General)Add to your cart.

Legislative MattersAdd to your cart.

Box 49Add to your cart.

Letters of Introduction and RecommendationAdd to your cart.

Li (General)Add to your cart.

Library Commission and State LibraryAdd to your cart.

Lindberg case: DataAdd to your cart.

ListsAdd to your cart.

Lo (General)Add to your cart.

Lockwood, Harold J., 1932Add to your cart.

Lu-Ly (General)Add to your cart.

Ma (General)Add to your cart.

Manchester, New HampshireAdd to your cart.

Maverick, Lewis, 1931-1932Add to your cart.

Mac-Mc (General)Add to your cart.

Box 50Add to your cart.

Me (General)Add to your cart.

MedicalAdd to your cart.

MeetingsAdd to your cart.

Melony, Mrs. William Brown, 1932Add to your cart.

Metcalf and EddyAdd to your cart.

Mi (General)Add to your cart.

Militia Bureau (Washington, D.C.)Add to your cart.

MilkAdd to your cart.

Mo (General)Add to your cart.

Moses, George H. (Senator), 1926-1932Add to your cart.

Motor Vehicle Department (1)Add to your cart.

Motor Vehicle Department (2)Add to your cart.

Mu-My (General)Add to your cart.

Box 51Add to your cart.

MusicAdd to your cart.

Na (General)Add to your cart.

National Recreation AssociationAdd to your cart.

Ne (General)Add to your cart.

New England CouncilAdd to your cart.

Box 52Add to your cart.

New England CouncilAdd to your cart.

New England Railroad CommitteeAdd to your cart.

New Hampshire FoundationAdd to your cart.

Newington-Durham BridgeAdd to your cart.

Newmarket Situation (Mills)Add to your cart.

Newspaper Clippings (1)Add to your cart.

Box 53Add to your cart.

Newspaper Clippings (2)Add to your cart.

Newspaper Clippings (3)Add to your cart.

Ni-Ny (General)Add to your cart.

O (General)Add to your cart.

Oakes, Judge Eric, Resignation of, 1931Add to your cart.

Old Age PensionsAdd to your cart.

Old Home DayAdd to your cart.

Box 54Add to your cart.

Pa (General)Add to your cart.

PaupersAdd to your cart.

Pe-Ph (General)Add to your cart.

Pearson, JohnAdd to your cart.

Pembroke SanatoriumAdd to your cart.

PensionsAdd to your cart.

Petitions (1)Add to your cart.

Petitions (2)Add to your cart.

Pi-Pl (General)Add to your cart.

Pittsburg, New HampshireAdd to your cart.

Po (General)Add to your cart.

Poling, Dr. Daniel A., 1931-1932Add to your cart.

Box 55Add to your cart.

Puerto Rico Child Feeding CommitteeAdd to your cart.

PortsmouthAdd to your cart.

Pr (General)Add to your cart.

Princeton UniversityAdd to your cart.

ProclamationsAdd to your cart.

ProgramsAdd to your cart.

ProhibitionAdd to your cart.

PropagandaAdd to your cart.

Box 56Add to your cart.

Pu-Py (General)Add to your cart.

Public Service Commission (1)Add to your cart.

Public Service Commission (2)Add to your cart.

Public UtilitiesAdd to your cart.

Public Welfare (1)Add to your cart.

Public Welfare (2)Add to your cart.

Box 57Add to your cart.

Public Welfare (3)Add to your cart.

Public Welfare: Report of New Hampshire State Board of Public Welfare, Jan-31Add to your cart.

Publicity (See also State Development Commission)Add to your cart.

PulpwoodAdd to your cart.

Purchasing AgentAdd to your cart.

Q (General)Add to your cart.

R (General)Add to your cart.

RadioAdd to your cart.

Radio LeagueAdd to your cart.

Radio SpeechesAdd to your cart.

Box 58Add to your cart.

Railroads (1)Add to your cart.

Railroads (2)Add to your cart.

Railroads (3)Add to your cart.

Railroads: Reports on New England Railroad SituationAdd to your cart.

Box 59Add to your cart.

Re (General)Add to your cart.

Real EstateAdd to your cart.

ReceiptsAdd to your cart.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Charles Dawes, Pres. (Emergency Finance Corporation Bill)Add to your cart.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Self-Liquidating ProjectsAdd to your cart.

RecreationAdd to your cart.

Red Cross (American)Add to your cart.

References and RecommendationsAdd to your cart.

Relief Project: Berlin, NHAdd to your cart.

Relief Projects: ForestsAdd to your cart.

Relief Project: Laconia, NHAdd to your cart.

Relief Project: Manchester, NHAdd to your cart.

Relief Project: Nashua, NHAdd to your cart.

Relief Projects: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Box 60Add to your cart.

Republican Campaign, 1932Add to your cart.

Republican Convention - Chicago, June 14-18, 1932Add to your cart.

Republican State Committee, etc. (1)Add to your cart.

Republican State Committee, etc. (2)Add to your cart.

Requests from State EmployeesAdd to your cart.

ResolutionsAdd to your cart.

Ri (General)Add to your cart.

Ro (General)Add to your cart.

Roads (State Relief Funds)Add to your cart.

Box 61Add to your cart.

Rockefeller FoundationAdd to your cart.

Rockingham CountyAdd to your cart.

Ros-Ry (General)Add to your cart.

Rural Economics Conference, May 14, 1932Add to your cart.

Rural Life Conference, June 4, 1932Add to your cart.

Russell Sage FoundationAdd to your cart.

Sa (General)Add to your cart.

Sawyer, Raymond, 1931Add to your cart.

Salem Race TrackAdd to your cart.

Sc (General)Add to your cart.

Se (General)Add to your cart.

"Seabrook, Its Social History and Problems" by Mildred IsraelAdd to your cart.

Secretary of StateAdd to your cart.

SelectmenAdd to your cart.

Sh (General)Add to your cart.

Si-Sl (General)Add to your cart.

Box 62Add to your cart.

Sm (General)Add to your cart.

Small LoansAdd to your cart.

Sn-Sp (General)Add to your cart.

Soldiers' HomeAdd to your cart.

Special ElectionsAdd to your cart.

St (General)Add to your cart.

StaffAdd to your cart.

State Aid (Highway-towns) MaintenanceAdd to your cart.

State ComptrollerAdd to your cart.

State Dental BoardAdd to your cart.

State Development CommissionAdd to your cart.

Box 63Add to your cart.

State HospitalAdd to your cart.

State Hospital Injury CasesAdd to your cart.

State HouseAdd to your cart.

State PoliceAdd to your cart.

State PrisonAdd to your cart.

Box 64Add to your cart.

State Prison - PrintingAdd to your cart.

State Sanatorium, GlencliffeAdd to your cart.

State Treasurer - Correspondence and Reports, 1931Add to your cart.

State Treasurer - Reports, 1932Add to your cart.

StatementsAdd to your cart.

Box 65Add to your cart.

Su (General)Add to your cart.

Sullivan, John A., 1932Add to your cart.

Sunday Sports BillAdd to your cart.

Survey - Study of County, City and Municipal GovernmentAdd to your cart.

Sympathy MessagesAdd to your cart.

Ta-Te (General)Add to your cart.

Tappan, Frank H. - Estate ofAdd to your cart.

Tax CommissionAdd to your cart.

Taxation (1)Add to your cart.

Taxation (2)Add to your cart.

Box 66Add to your cart.

Textile IndustryAdd to your cart.

Th-Ti (General)Add to your cart.

Thank-you NotesAdd to your cart.

Thirty Two Clubs (Hoover, Republican Party)Add to your cart.

To (General)Add to your cart.

Towns (Meetings, Taxes, etc.)Add to your cart.

TuberculosisAdd to your cart.

U (General)Add to your cart.

Unanswered LettersAdd to your cart.

Box 67Add to your cart.

Unemployment Cases, 1932Add to your cart.

Unemployment - General (1)Add to your cart.

Unemployment - General (2)Add to your cart.

Unemployment - MassachusettsAdd to your cart.

Unemployment - New HampshireAdd to your cart.

Unemployment - Rhode IslandAdd to your cart.

Unemployment - Trained Social WorkersAdd to your cart.

Box 68Add to your cart.

Unemployment - Miscellaneous (1)Add to your cart.

Unemployment - Miscellaneous (2)Add to your cart.

United Life Insurance CompanyAdd to your cart.

University of New HampshireAdd to your cart.

Box 69Add to your cart.

University of New HampshireAdd to your cart.

V (General)Add to your cart.

Venereal Disease ClinicAdd to your cart.

VeteransAdd to your cart.

VetoesAdd to your cart.

Vilas Memorial BridgeAdd to your cart.

VotingAdd to your cart.

Wa (General)Add to your cart.

Wages, Publications re, etc.Add to your cart.

Wagner BillAdd to your cart.

War DepartmentAdd to your cart.

Box 70Add to your cart.

Washington Bicentennial CommissionAdd to your cart.

WaterAdd to your cart.

We (General)Add to your cart.

Webster, DanielAdd to your cart.

Wh (General)Add to your cart.

Wi (General)Add to your cart.

Wickersham ReportAdd to your cart.

Wilson, President WoodrowAdd to your cart.

Box 71Add to your cart.

Wo-Wy (General)Add to your cart.

Workmen's CompensationAdd to your cart.

World CourtAdd to your cart.

X-Y-Z (General)Add to your cart.

Yorktown Sesquicentennial AssociationAdd to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. ConstanceAdd to your cart.

Winant, Frederick, Jr.Add to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.Add to your cart.

The Governor's ParentsAdd to your cart.

Winant: Art and Book CollectionsAdd to your cart.

Winant: Articles and Biographical MaterialAdd to your cart.

DogsAdd to your cart.

Eighth Aero SquadronAdd to your cart.

Governorship, Candidacy for 1932 (1)Add to your cart.

Governorship, Candidacy for 1932 (2)Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous Financial MattersAdd to your cart.

Miscellaneous Personal and Political CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Personal Expenses Charged to the StateAdd to your cart.

Yacht Brokers, Correspondence withAdd to your cart.

Series 3: Governorship: Third Term, 1933-1934Add to your cart.
Series 3 includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports arranged alphabetically by subject or surname of correspondent. Includes correspondence with State officials regarding liquor control and minimum wage legislation as well as material concerning the Untied Textile Workers’ Strike of 1934. Also, family, personal and business correspondence.

Box 73Add to your cart.

A (General)Add to your cart.

ActsAdd to your cart.

Adjutant GeneralAdd to your cart.

Adjutant General: Capt. Joseph T. HennesseyAdd to your cart.

Agriculture, Department of (New Hampshire and United States)Add to your cart.

Agriculture, Department of: Bovine T. B.; Contagious AbortionAdd to your cart.

American Association for Economic EducationAdd to your cart.

American Association for Labor LegislationAdd to your cart.

American LegionAdd to your cart.

Ba-Bl (General)Add to your cart.

Bo (General)Add to your cart.

Box 74Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts - General CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Boy Scouts - Lewis, J. HamiltonAdd to your cart.

Boy Scouts - Nodine, Ralph H.Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts - Policy Committee ReportAdd to your cart.

Boy Scouts - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Box 75Add to your cart.

Br (General)Add to your cart.

Bridges, H. StylesAdd to your cart.

Brookings Institution Report: General CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Brookings Institution: Minutes of Meetings of Joint Committee to StateAdd to your cart.

Brookings Institution: Requests for Reports: A-LAdd to your cart.

Brookings Institution: Requests for Reports: M-YAdd to your cart.

Brookings Institution: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Brown CompanyAdd to your cart.

Box 76Add to your cart.

Brown, Senator Fred H., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Bu-By (General)Add to your cart.

Budget MaterialAdd to your cart.

Ca (General)Add to your cart.

California, State ofAdd to your cart.

Camps, Various Data reAdd to your cart.

Camp SurveyAdd to your cart.

Box 77Add to your cart.

CensusAdd to your cart.

Century of ProgressAdd to your cart.

Ce-Ci (General)Add to your cart.

Chase, Bernard B., 1932-1933Add to your cart.

Box 78Add to your cart.

Child Health, Labor, etc.Add to your cart.

Christian Science Monitor Article by Janet MabieAdd to your cart.

Christmas Cards and ListsAdd to your cart.

Chambers of CommerceAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Miss Patch Orders from HopkinsAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Washington CommunicationsAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Census-FarmingAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Artists' ProgramAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: AviationAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Child Health and Recovery SurveyAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Fish and Game Department ProjectsAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: General CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Moth Prevention and Mosquito ControlAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Payroll DataAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Projects ApprovedAdd to your cart.

Box 79Add to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: RecreationalAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: InjuriesAdd to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Tax Delinquency Study, 1934Add to your cart.

Civil Works Administration: Young People's Survey, 1934Add to your cart.

Civilian Conservation Corps Camps, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Cl (General)Add to your cart.

Co (General)Add to your cart.

Committee on Economic SecurityAdd to your cart.

Committee for the Nation, 1934Add to your cart.

Community ChestsAdd to your cart.

Con (General)Add to your cart.

Box 80Add to your cart.

Concord, City of: Mayor's Office, 1933Add to your cart.

Concord Silversmiths, 1933Add to your cart.

Coolidge, Calvin, 1933Add to your cart.

Coos CountyAdd to your cart.

Coos County Workers' Club, BerlinAdd to your cart.

Cost of Living Study - GeneralAdd to your cart.

Cost of Living Study - Washington CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Council, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Council and Governor VotesAdd to your cart.

Council of State GovernmentsAdd to your cart.

County MattersAdd to your cart.

Couper, W. J. (Canada), 1934Add to your cart.

Box 81Add to your cart.

Coyle, Arthur J. - Concord Oil CompanyAdd to your cart.

Cr (General)Add to your cart.

Crime, Data re (Mr. Caswell)Add to your cart.

Cummings, Hon. George D., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Da (General)Add to your cart.

Dartmouth CollegeAdd to your cart.

Box 82Add to your cart.

Davis, Burnham B. - Letters Written byAdd to your cart.

Davis, Harold M., 1934Add to your cart.

Daylight Savings Time, 1934Add to your cart.

De (General)Add to your cart.

Democratic Material, 1933Add to your cart.

Dental BoardAdd to your cart.

Diatomite CompanyAdd to your cart.

Do (General)Add to your cart.

DonationsAdd to your cart.

Dr-Dy (General)Add to your cart.

Dreier, Tom, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Box 83Add to your cart.

Ea-Ed (General)Add to your cart.

Eastern States ExpositionAdd to your cart.

Economic Security Advisory Council, 1934Add to your cart.

Education, Department of, 1933-April 1934Add to your cart.

Education, Department of, May-December 1934Add to your cart.

Education: Residence Schools; Hotel TrainingAdd to your cart.

Education, Department of: Reports, Minutes, Statements, etc. (1)Add to your cart.

Education, Department of: Reports, Minutes, Statements, etc. (2)Add to your cart.

Education, Department of: Reports, Minutes, Statements, etc. (3)Add to your cart.

Box 84Add to your cart.

El-Ez (General)Add to your cart.

Ely, Richard - Com. Interstate Compacts, etc., 1933Add to your cart.

Employment Service - State of New Hampshire (Hon. W. Frank Persons), 1934Add to your cart.

Employment: Re-Employment ServiceAdd to your cart.

Employment: Richard Hall, 1934Add to your cart.

Engagements (1), 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Engagements (2), 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Executive DepartmentAdd to your cart.

Extradition Material, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 85Add to your cart.

Fa-Fe (General)Add to your cart.

FactoriesAdd to your cart.

Farm BureauAdd to your cart.

Farm Credit Administration - Agricultural Advisory Council for NHAdd to your cart.

Farms, Legislation reAdd to your cart.

Farms: Subsistence HomesteadsAdd to your cart.

Fay, Spofford, and Thorndike (Boston)Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. (Massachusetts)Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. (New Hampshire)Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. - Applications, Receipts, 1933-April 1934Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. - Applications, Receipts, May-August 1934Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. - Applications, Receipts, September-December 1934Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. Robert W. KelsoAdd to your cart.

Box 86Add to your cart.

F.E.R.A. - GeneralAdd to your cart.

Federal Housing ActAdd to your cart.

Fernald, Alice, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Fi (General)Add to your cart.

Fish and Game: Dr. H. P. K. AgersborgAdd to your cart.

Fish and Game: AppointmentsAdd to your cart.

Fish and Game: Dr. Buller's Report, 1933Add to your cart.

Fish and Game: "Agreeable" replies re Finley and DepartmentAdd to your cart.

Fish and Game: Non-agreeable replies re FinleyAdd to your cart.

Box 87Add to your cart.

Fish and Game Department: General Correspondence, 1933Add to your cart.

Fish and Game Department: General Correspondence, 1934Add to your cart.

Fish and Game Department: Jennison's Charges and Advisory Board ReportAdd to your cart.

Fl-Fo (General)Add to your cart.

Box 88Add to your cart.

Forestry Department, 1933Add to your cart.

Forestry: General Correspondence, 1934Add to your cart.

Forestry: Philip W. AyresAdd to your cart.

Forestry: ReforestationAdd to your cart.

Forestry: Sub-marginal LandsAdd to your cart.

Forestry: White Pine SituationAdd to your cart.

Forty-eight Hour Law (1)Add to your cart.

Forty-eight Hour Law (2)Add to your cart.

Box 89Add to your cart.

Fr-Fu (General)Add to your cart.

Ga-Gh (General)Add to your cart.

Gi-Gl (General)Add to your cart.

Go (General)Add to your cart.

Governor Dummer AcademyAdd to your cart.

Governors' Conference (with FDR), March 1933Add to your cart.

Governors' Conference, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 90Add to your cart.

Governors' Conference, 1933Add to your cart.

Governors' Conference, 1934Add to your cart.

Gr-Gu (General)Add to your cart.

GraniteAdd to your cart.

Groveton Paper CompanyAdd to your cart.

Ha-Hap (General)Add to your cart.

Hampton Sea WallAdd to your cart.

Hampton - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Box 91Add to your cart.

Har-Haz (General)Add to your cart.

He (General)Add to your cart.

Health, State Board of, 1933Add to your cart.

Health, State Board of, 1934Add to your cart.

Hi (General)Add to your cart.

Highway Department: Bridges, 1932-1933Add to your cart.

Highway Department, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 92Add to your cart.

Highway Department (1), 1933Add to your cart.

Highway Department (2), 1933Add to your cart.

Highway Department: Purrington and Independent Coal Tar Company, 1933Add to your cart.

Highway Department, January-February 1934Add to your cart.

Highway Department, March-April 1934Add to your cart.

Highway Department, May-July 1934Add to your cart.

Highway Department, August-December 1934Add to your cart.

Box 93Add to your cart.

Ho (General)Add to your cart.

Holderness SchoolAdd to your cart.

Home Loan Bank and Home Owners Loan Corp.Add to your cart.

Home Mortgage Advisory BoardAdd to your cart.

Hu (General)Add to your cart.

I (General)Add to your cart.

Important MattersAdd to your cart.

Inaugural MessagesAdd to your cart.

Box 94Add to your cart.

IndustriesAdd to your cart.

Inflation and DeflationAdd to your cart.

Institutions: SurveyAdd to your cart.

Institutions: NH State Sanatorium at GlencliffeAdd to your cart.

Institutions: State Hospital, 1933Add to your cart.

Institutions: State Hospital, 1934Add to your cart.

Box 95Add to your cart.

Institutions: Industrial SchoolAdd to your cart.

Institutions: Laconia State SchoolAdd to your cart.

Institutions: State Prison, 1933Add to your cart.

Institutions: State Prison, 1934Add to your cart.

Insurance DepartmentAdd to your cart.

International YMCA (Springfield)Add to your cart.

International YMCA (Geneva, Switzerland)Add to your cart.

International YMCA (Jerusalem)Add to your cart.

Box 96Add to your cart.

International Committee of YMCA's - Untied States and CanadaAdd to your cart.

Interstate Commerce Commission (1)Add to your cart.

Interstate Commerce Commission (2)Add to your cart.

Interstate Compacts - Joint Conference, May 29, 1934Add to your cart.

Box 97Add to your cart.

Interstate Compacts: Child LaborAdd to your cart.

Interstate Compacts: Meeting at State House, August 1, 1934Add to your cart.

Interstate Labor Compacts: Meetings and Minutes of MeetingsAdd to your cart.

Interstate Labor Compacts: Massachusetts Resolve and Acts, etc.Add to your cart.

Interstate Labor Compacts: New Hampshire CommissionAdd to your cart.

Interstate Labor Compacts: Parkman and Perkins CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Interstate Compacts: GeneralAdd to your cart.

Invitations, January 1933Add to your cart.

Box 98Add to your cart.

Invitations, February-September 1933Add to your cart.

Box 99Add to your cart.

Invitations, October 1933-May 1934Add to your cart.

Box 100Add to your cart.

Invitations, June-December 1934Add to your cart.

Invitations, TentativeAdd to your cart.

Box 101Add to your cart.

Ja-Je (General)Add to your cart.

JewsAdd to your cart.

Jo (General)Add to your cart.

Ka (General)Add to your cart.

Kansas, 1933Add to your cart.

Ke (General)Add to your cart.

Kendall, Henry P., 1933Add to your cart.

Keyes, Hon. Henry W., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Ki (General)Add to your cart.

Kn-Ko (General)Add to your cart.

La (General)Add to your cart.

Box 102Add to your cart.

Labor, U.S. Department of: Frances PerkinsAdd to your cart.

Labor LawsAdd to your cart.

Labor: Strike MaterialAdd to your cart.

Labor, State Bureau of: Re Shoe IndustryAdd to your cart.

Labor, State Bureau of: Re Women and MinorsAdd to your cart.

Labor, State Bureau of: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Lape, Esther, 1932-1934Add to your cart.

Larivee, Jules, Jr. - Case StudiesAdd to your cart.

Law Enforcement (Mr. Nute)Add to your cart.

Box 103Add to your cart.

Le (General)Add to your cart.

League of NationsAdd to your cart.

League of Women Voters (NH)Add to your cart.

Legislation: FederalAdd to your cart.

Legislation: GeneralAdd to your cart.

Legislation: New Hampshire Primary and Election LawsAdd to your cart.

Legislation: New Hampshire Session LawsAdd to your cart.

Legislation: Unemployment Relief in New HampshireAdd to your cart.

Box 104Add to your cart.

Legislation: NH House Bills and JournalsAdd to your cart.

LeisureAdd to your cart.

Letters of Recommendation and IntroductionAdd to your cart.

Letters - Thank youAdd to your cart.

Li-Ll (General)Add to your cart.

Library - State: Library CommissionAdd to your cart.

Library - Citizens Library CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Lippman, Walter (Column "Today and Tomorrow"), 1933Add to your cart.

Box 105Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Letters Requesting Study Commission, 1933Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Answers to Governor Winant's Letter of Appointment to Study Commission, 1934Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Requests of Specific Departments to Cooperate with the CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Special Liquor Study CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Replies to Governor's Letter re Calling of a Special SessionAdd to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Liquor Commissioner, 1934Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: New State Liquor Commission, Appointed, June 13, 1934Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: State Liquor Control Commission, 1934Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Requests for the Report of the Liquor Control CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Requests for Job on CommissionAdd to your cart.

Box 106Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Requests for Jobs as Storekeeper, Inspector, etc.Add to your cart.

Liquor Control Legislation: Miscellaneous Job RequestsAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Special SessionAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Special Session - Senate and House CommitteesAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Special Session - The BillAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Petitions Favoring Special SessionAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Petitions Opposing Special SessionAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Letters Favoring Special SessionAdd to your cart.

Box 107Add to your cart.

Liquor: Letters Opposing Special SessionAdd to your cart.

Liquor: Special Session - Other Legislation Not Acted OnAdd to your cart.

Liquor: VariousAdd to your cart.

ListsAdd to your cart.

Littleton, NHAdd to your cart.

Lo (General)Add to your cart.

Loans, Requests forAdd to your cart.

Lockwood, Harold J., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Box 108Add to your cart.

Lumber Camps, Survey of OperationsAdd to your cart.

Lu-Ly (General)Add to your cart.

Mac-Mc (General)Add to your cart.

Maa-Map (General)Add to your cart.

Mabie, Miss Janet, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Manchester, NHAdd to your cart.

ManifestsAdd to your cart.

Mar-Maz (General)Add to your cart.

Mary and Olive (Winant's Secretaries) - Notes, Lists, etc.Add to your cart.

Mayors' Meeting, June 26, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 109Add to your cart.

Me (General)Add to your cart.

Meetings - Various, 1934Add to your cart.

Meloney, Mrs. William Brown - New York Herald Tribune, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Memberships: Organizations Desiring the Governors' MembershipAdd to your cart.

Metcalf and Eddy (Mr. Fales)Add to your cart.

Mi (General)Add to your cart.

Milk, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 110Add to your cart.

Milk, 1934Add to your cart.

Milk Conference (1), 1933Add to your cart.

Milk Conference (2), 1933Add to your cart.

Milk Conference (3), 1933Add to your cart.

Milk Conference (4), 1933Add to your cart.

Box 111Add to your cart.

Milk Conference, 1933, etc.Add to your cart.

Mills, Data reAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Advisory Council Executive CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Complaints and Inquiries Referred to Miss JohnsonAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage Committee of International Association of Governmental Labor OfficialsAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Conference reports, Articles, LawsAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Consumer Milk Study, 1934Add to your cart.

Minimum Wage: CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Box 112Add to your cart.

Minimum Wage: GeneralAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Laundry BoardAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Minors Injured When Illegally EmployedAdd to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Unemployment Reserves (insurance)Add to your cart.

Minimum Wage: Vocational Guidance Conference, June 13, 1934Add to your cart.

Mo (General)Add to your cart.

Mobilization for Human Needs - Newton D. Baker, Chairman, 1934Add to your cart.

MortgagesAdd to your cart.

Moses, Senator George H., 1931-1934Add to your cart.

Box 113Add to your cart.

Motor Vehicle Department: General CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Motor Vehicle Department: Requests for JobsAdd to your cart.

Motor Vehicle Department: Statistics, Reports, RecordsAdd to your cart.

Mu-My (General)Add to your cart.

Na-Ne (General)Add to your cart.

National Conference on State Parks, Herbert Evison, Executive Secretary, 1934Add to your cart.

National Consumers' LeagueAdd to your cart.

National Institution of Public Affairs (Mr. Wingo)Add to your cart.

National Modernizing Program (Chicago), 1934Add to your cart.

National Municipal LeagueAdd to your cart.

Box 114Add to your cart.

NRA: Consumers' Advisory BoardAdd to your cart.

NRA: Miscellaneous (Hugh Johnson), 1933Add to your cart.

NRA: Miscellaneous (Hugh Johnson), 1934Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 115Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1934Add to your cart.

National Safety Council - National Conference on Street and Highway SafetyAdd to your cart.

National Organizations: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

NavyAdd to your cart.

New Castle (New Reservation)Add to your cart.

New England Council, 1933Add to your cart.

New England Council, 1934Add to your cart.

New Hampshire Foundation for the Promotion of Uniformity of LegislationAdd to your cart.

Box 116Add to your cart.

New Hampshire FoundationAdd to your cart.

New Hampshire - VariousAdd to your cart.

Newspaper Clippings (1)Add to your cart.

Newspaper Clippings (2)Add to your cart.

Newspaper Clippings (3)Add to your cart.

Box 117Add to your cart.

Newspapers, Requests for InterviewsAdd to your cart.

Ni-Ny (General)Add to your cart.

O (General)Add to your cart.

OilAdd to your cart.

Old Home Week, 1933Add to your cart.

Opinions (Of Supreme Court, etc.)Add to your cart.

Pa (General)Add to your cart.

Pamphlets, Periodicals, Books, Reports Sent to GovernorAdd to your cart.

Box 118Add to your cart.

Pamphlets, Periodicals, Books, Reports Sent to GovernorAdd to your cart.

Box 119Add to your cart.

Pamphlets, Periodicals, Books, Reports Sent to GovernorAdd to your cart.

Pardons and Paroles: GeneralAdd to your cart.

Pardons and Paroles: A-ClAdd to your cart.

Box 120Add to your cart.

Pardons and Paroles: Co-HiAdd to your cart.

Box 121Add to your cart.

Pardons and Paroles: Ho-NAdd to your cart.

Box 122Add to your cart.

Pardons and Paroles: P-TAdd to your cart.

Box 123Add to your cart.

Pardons and Paroles: V-ZAdd to your cart.

Pe-Ph (General)Add to your cart.

Pearson, John W., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Pennsylvania (Governor Pinchot, etc.)Add to your cart.

Peterson, Agnes  L. - U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, Washington, D.C.Add to your cart.

PetitionsAdd to your cart.

Pharmacy Board (NH State)Add to your cart.

Photograph Requests, 1931-1934Add to your cart.

Pi-Pl (General)Add to your cart.

Planning Board: General CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Box 124Add to your cart.

Planning Board (State); Membership Correspondence, New Hampshire MeetingsAdd to your cart.

Planning Board: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Planning Board - National (National Resources Board), Charles W. WilotAdd to your cart.

Po (General)Add to your cart.

PoetryAdd to your cart.

Police, Special Committee to Study the Powers of, 1934Add to your cart.

Police: Various State and Federal, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Box 125Add to your cart.

Police Commissioners' Reports: VariousAdd to your cart.

PortsmouthAdd to your cart.

Pr-Py (General)Add to your cart.

PrincetonAdd to your cart.

Princeton-Yenching Foundation (China)Add to your cart.

Printing Committee (State), July 1934Add to your cart.

Proclamations: American Education WeekAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Armistice DayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Bank HolidayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Child Health DayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Conservation WeekAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Prohibition, Election of DelegatesAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Fire Prevention WeekAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Fast DayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Poppy DayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Pulaski DayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Red CrossAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Thanksgiving DayAdd to your cart.

Proclamations: Unemployment Relief, 1932Add to your cart.

Prohibition: Convention to Repeal 18th AmendmentAdd to your cart.

Box 126Add to your cart.

Prohibition, Department to Enforce (1), 1933Add to your cart.

Prohibition, Department to Enforce (2), 1933Add to your cart.

Public Service Commission, 1933Add to your cart.

Public Service Commission, 1934Add to your cart.

Box 127Add to your cart.

Public Welfare Department, 1933Add to your cart.

Public Welfare, Board of, 1934Add to your cart.

Public Welfare: Blind AidAdd to your cart.

Public Welfare: CancerAdd to your cart.

Public Works Administration: Art ProjectAdd to your cart.

Public Works Administration: Merrimack County FarmAdd to your cart.

Public Works: Projects ApprovedAdd to your cart.

Public Works: State ProjectsAdd to your cart.

Box 128Add to your cart.

Public Works (State): Royden Reed, 1934Add to your cart.

Public Works for Unemployment Relief, 1933Add to your cart.

Publicity for New Hampshire - Various Data, 1933Add to your cart.

Purchasing AgentAdd to your cart.

Q (General)Add to your cart.

Ra (General)Add to your cart.

Race Track: Gambling and BettingAdd to your cart.

Radio, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Box 129Add to your cart.

Railroads (1)Add to your cart.

Railroads (2)Add to your cart.

Railroad Meeting, Boston, July 5, 1934Add to your cart.

Rauch, Rudolph S., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Re (General)Add to your cart.

Real Estate Brokers: Special Commission to Study and Report on, 1934Add to your cart.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Acts and RegulationsAdd to your cart.

Box 130Add to your cart.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Local Relief Prior to Federal Emergency ReliefAdd to your cart.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Relief Prior to #417 and Federal Emergency ReliefAdd to your cart.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation: GeneralAdd to your cart.

Recreational Development Office Report, November 30, 1934Add to your cart.

Recreation: General (1)Add to your cart.

Recreation: General (2)Add to your cart.

Box 131Add to your cart.

Recreation: Mrs. Marjorie S. Cautley, 1934Add to your cart.

Recreational Commission, October 1934Add to your cart.

Recreation Congress: Washington, DC, October 1-5, 1934Add to your cart.

Recreation: MusicAdd to your cart.

Recreation: ProjectsAdd to your cart.

Recreation: Rural, 1934Add to your cart.

Recreation: Ski Trails, 1934Add to your cart.

Recreation: University of New Hampshire Recreation SchoolAdd to your cart.

Red CrossAdd to your cart.

Box 132Add to your cart.

RehabilitationAdd to your cart.

Relief Money (Federal), Allocation of, 1932-1934Add to your cart.

Republican HeadquartersAdd to your cart.

Republican campaign Material, 1934Add to your cart.

Ri (General)Add to your cart.

Ro (General)Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, President Franklin D.Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, Theodore - Memorial AssociationAdd to your cart.

Root, Dr. Manley B., 1934Add to your cart.

Ru-Ry (General)Add to your cart.

Box 133Add to your cart.

Sa (General)Add to your cart.

St. Paul's SchoolAdd to your cart.

Sc (General)Add to your cart.

Se (General)Add to your cart.

Secretary of StateAdd to your cart.

Seidemann, Henry P. - Brookings Institute, 1933-1934Add to your cart.

SelectmanAdd to your cart.

Sh (General)Add to your cart.

Shawmut National Bank of BostonAdd to your cart.

Si-Sl (General)Add to your cart.

Sm (General)Add to your cart.

Small IndustriesAdd to your cart.

Small LoansAdd to your cart.

Box 134Add to your cart.

Sn-Sq (General)Add to your cart.

Soldiers' HomeAdd to your cart.

Spelman FundAdd to your cart.

Spelman Fund: Study of State and Local GovernmentsAdd to your cart.

St (General)Add to your cart.

Staff, Governor's MilitaryAdd to your cart.

State Comptroller's DepartmentAdd to your cart.

State Development Commission (Mr. Tuttle), 1933Add to your cart.

State Development Commission, 1934Add to your cart.

Box 135Add to your cart.

State House: Personnel Survey, SalariesAdd to your cart.

State House: Salary IncreasesAdd to your cart.

State House: Clerks' SalariesAdd to your cart.

State House: Survey of Departments and Plans for New AdditionsAdd to your cart.

State PayrollAdd to your cart.

State TreasurerAdd to your cart.

State Treasurer: Bonded DebtAdd to your cart.

State Treasurer: Daily Cash Balances, 1933Add to your cart.

Box 136Add to your cart.

State Treasurer: Daily Cash Balances, 1934Add to your cart.

StatementsAdd to your cart.

Stone, Dr. Donald C. - Public Administration ServiceAdd to your cart.

Story, Stephen B. - Recovery ReliefAdd to your cart.

Stream Pollution - Ammonoosuc RiverAdd to your cart.

Stream Pollution - Contoocook RiverAdd to your cart.

Stream Pollution - Connecticut RiverAdd to your cart.

Stream Pollution - Lake WinnisquamAdd to your cart.

Stream Pollution - VariousAdd to your cart.

Stream Pollution - Purification Conference, Washington, December 6, 1934Add to your cart.

Box 137Add to your cart.

Su-Sz (General)Add to your cart.

SympathyAdd to your cart.

Ta-Te (General)Add to your cart.

Tax Commission, New Hampshire StateAdd to your cart.

TextilesAdd to your cart.

Textiles - BulletinsAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike (National) - ClippingsAdd to your cart.

Box 138Add to your cart.

Textile Strike (National) - CongratulationsAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike (National) - Expense AccountsAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike (National) - Requests for PositionsAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike (National) - President's Inquiry BoardAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike (National) - Labor Relations BoardAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike - GeneralAdd to your cart.

Textile Strike - SuggestionsAdd to your cart.

Th-Ti (General)Add to your cart.

Tindale, Thomas K. - NH Relief Office, 1934Add to your cart.

To-Tu (General)Add to your cart.

Tobey, Senator Charles W., 1933-1934Add to your cart.

Tuberculosis, Granite (Dust)Add to your cart.

Box 139Add to your cart.

TuberculosisAdd to your cart.

U (General)Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Aid Cases: A-EAdd to your cart.

Box 140Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Aid Cases: F-WAdd to your cart.

Box 141Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Aid Cases: X-ZAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Mrs. Lillian L. AlbeeAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Applications for WorkAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: ComplaintsAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Correspondence - GeneralAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Emergency GardensAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Federal Act for Relief ofAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Memos and Letters Signed by the Governor for Miss PatchAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: NH Emergency Relief Administration, 1934Add to your cart.

Unemployment: New Hampshire PlanAdd to your cart.

Box 142Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Old Age PensionAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Plans for Relief ofAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Recovery Relief Bulletins, Financial StatementsAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Relief Cost Survey, 1934Add to your cart.

Box 143Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Reports and Expenditures (Case Loads)Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Requests for PaymentAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Survey of Welfare Administration in New Hampshire, 1934Add to your cart.

Unemployment: State Welfare Relief Passed by Senate and House, June 13, 1933Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Transient CampsAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: White Collar Work (Various)Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Work: A-BAdd to your cart.

Box 144Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Work: C-PAdd to your cart.

Box 145Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Work: R-ZAdd to your cart.

Unemployment: Miscellaneous Reports (1)Add to your cart.

Unemployment: Miscellaneous Reports (2)Add to your cart.

Box 146Add to your cart.

University of New Hampshire, 1933Add to your cart.

University of New Hampshire, 1934Add to your cart.

V (General)Add to your cart.

Vermont - New Hampshire Boundary Line CaseAdd to your cart.

VeteransAdd to your cart.

Vetoes, 1933Add to your cart.

VotingAdd to your cart.

Box 147Add to your cart.

Wa (General)Add to your cart.

War, Data reAdd to your cart.

Warm Springs, Georgia (Infantile Paralysis)Add to your cart.

Wages: Minimum Wage Laws, Bills, etc.Add to your cart.

We (General)Add to your cart.

West Point: Appointments to, etc.Add to your cart.

Weights and MeasuresAdd to your cart.

Wh (General)Add to your cart.

Whitcher, George (Man Lost in Coos County), 1934Add to your cart.

Wi (General)Add to your cart.

Wiesman, Miss Margaret - Consumers' League of Massachusetts, 1933Add to your cart.

Wilder, Mrs. Abby L. (Rindge), 1933Add to your cart.

Willoughby Report, 1933Add to your cart.

Wo-WY (General)Add to your cart.

Box 148Add to your cart.

World CourtAdd to your cart.

X-Y-Z (General)Add to your cart.

Young RepublicansAdd to your cart.

Youth Hostels: American Youth Hostel Association, Inc. (Mr. and Mrs. Smith), 1934Add to your cart.

Winant: Art and Books, 1933Add to your cart.

Winant: Art and Books, 1934Add to your cart.

Winant: DogsAdd to your cart.

Winant: FarmAdd to your cart.

Winant: HorsesAdd to your cart.

Winant: 8th Aero SquadronAdd to your cart.

Winant: PresidencyAdd to your cart.

Box 149Add to your cart.

Winant: Letters of Commendation on His AdministrationAdd to your cart.

Winant: Financial Matters, Bills, etc.Add to your cart.

Winant: Christmas MessagesAdd to your cart.

Winant: Articles re and Biographical MaterialAdd to your cart.

Winant: PersonalAdd to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. John G.Add to your cart.

Winant, Miss ConstanceAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr. - School in ArizonaAdd to your cart.

Winant, Rivington - School, 1933Add to your cart.

Winant, FrederickAdd to your cart.

Box 150Add to your cart.

Legislative HandbookAdd to your cart.

Minutes of the Executive Board, 1931-1934Add to your cart.

Box 151Add to your cart.

"Manual of Accounting and Reporting for the State Government of New Hampshire"Add to your cart.

"Report on A Survey of the Organization and Administration of the State, County, and Town Governments of New Hampshire"Add to your cart.

"Report on A Survey of Administration in New Hampshire" Volume IIAdd to your cart.

Box 152Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous Printed MaterialsAdd to your cart.

Series 4: Papers, 1935-February 1941Add to your cart.
Series 4 holds incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports arranged alphabetically by subject or surname of correspondent. Includes material concerning the Social Security Board, the National Consumers’ League and other organizations that Winant was associated with as well as family, business and personal correspondence. Similar material is found in the International labor Organization files in Series 5.

Box 153Add to your cart.

A (General)Add to your cart.

Administrative ManagementAdd to your cart.

Aid and/or Assistance, Requests forAdd to your cart.

Airport, Boston Metropolitan (Willard P. Fuller)Add to your cart.

American Association for Labor LegislationAdd to your cart.

American Foundation Studies  in Government - Esther Everett Lape (1)Add to your cart.

American Foundation Studies  in Government - Esther Everett Lape (2)Add to your cart.

American Labor PartyAdd to your cart.

American National CommitteeAdd to your cart.

"American" - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Anonymous CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.

Applications and Recommendations ReceivedAdd to your cart.

Articles Requested of John G. WinantAdd to your cart.

Asbury Grove, Massachusetts - Speech, 1936Add to your cart.

Box 154Add to your cart.

Ba-Bo (General)Add to your cart.

Babcock, E. C., 1936-1937Add to your cart.

Baker, Cecil R. (re Clinton Winant), 1935-1937Add to your cart.

Bar Association of the City of New YorkAdd to your cart.

Benson, Mrs. R. Laurence, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Biddle, Eric, 1936Add to your cart.

Bond, Marshall, 1936-1937Add to your cart.

Book: The ABC of Social Security by WinantAdd to your cart.

Boudreau, Frank G., 1936-1939Add to your cart.

Bower, B. O., 1936-1937Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts of AmericaAdd to your cart.

Br-Bz (General)Add to your cart.

Braucher, Howard - National Recreation Association, 1936-1937Add to your cart.

Brin, Leonard, 1936Add to your cart.

Brookings Institution (1)Add to your cart.

Brookings Institution (2)Add to your cart.

Brookings Institution (3)Add to your cart.

Box 155Add to your cart.

Building Products CompanyAdd to your cart.

Bull Terrier Club of AmericaAdd to your cart.

Ca-Cl (General)Add to your cart.

Chapel Hill, March 3, 1937Add to your cart.

Christmas AcknowledgementsAdd to your cart.

Churches - Conferences with Religious Leaders, March 28, 1936Add to your cart.

Co (General)Add to your cart.

Cohen, Ben V., n.d.Add to your cart.

Colby Junior CollegeAdd to your cart.

Committee on Coordination for Social Security Legislation of the Federal Bar AssociationAdd to your cart.

Committee on Economic SecurityAdd to your cart.

Congratulations on Social Security Board Appointment (1)Add to your cart.

Congratulations on Social Security Board Appointment (2)Add to your cart.

Corcoran, Thomas C. (Material Sent by Altmeyer re 1936 Republican Attack on Social Security Legislation)Add to your cart.

Cory and Falk, Drs.Add to your cart.

Box 156Add to your cart.

Cotton Manufacturers, National Association of (Robert Huse)Add to your cart.

Council of State Governments, 1935Add to your cart.

Council of State Governments, 1936Add to your cart.

Council of State Governments, 1937Add to your cart.

Council of State Governments - Printed MatterAdd to your cart.

Coyle-Concord Oil Company, 1935-1938Add to your cart.

Cr-Cz (General)Add to your cart.

Da-Di (General)Add to your cart.

Box 157Add to your cart.

Dalls, Rev. J. T., 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Diatomite - New Hampshire Diatomite CompanyAdd to your cart.

Diatomite - New Hampshire Diatomite Company, F. H. Emerson, 1937Add to your cart.

Diatomite - New Hampshire Diatomite Company, F. H. Emerson, 1939Add to your cart.

Diatomite - John Sise and CompanyAdd to your cart.

Diatomite - Robert O. UnderwoodAdd to your cart.

Do-Du (General)Add to your cart.

Donaldson, Ray, 1937Add to your cart.

Drury, Rev. Samuel S. and Family, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

E (General)Add to your cart.

Eight Aero SquadronAdd to your cart.

Executive ReorganizationAdd to your cart.

Fa-Fl (General)Add to your cart.

Fair, Harry, 1935-1939Add to your cart.

Farjeon, Ballin and CompanyAdd to your cart.

Federal Housing Administration (Stewart McDonald)Add to your cart.

Box 158Add to your cart.

First National Bank, Concord, NHAdd to your cart.

Fo-Fu (General)Add to your cart.

Fuller, Willard, 1936-1937Add to your cart.

G (General)Add to your cart.

Georgetown Gaslight CompanyAdd to your cart.

Gifts (Flowers Sent)Add to your cart.

Ha-Hi (General)Add to your cart.

Hall, Richard, 1936Add to your cart.

Harlan, Laura, 1935-1937Add to your cart.

Harvard University, February 26-27, 1937Add to your cart.

Healy, Mary C., 1937Add to your cart.

Hitchcock, Thomas, Jr., 1936-1939Add to your cart.

Ho-Hu (General)Add to your cart.

Holderness SchoolAdd to your cart.

Huberth and Huberth, Inc.Add to your cart.

Box 159Add to your cart.

I (General)Add to your cart.

International Committee of YMCA (Springfield College)Add to your cart.

International Committee of YMCA'sAdd to your cart.

International Labor Conference, 1936Add to your cart.

International Silcosis Conference, 1938Add to your cart.

International Textile Conference - Correspondence, 1937Add to your cart.

International Textile Conference - Drafts of Speeches, etc., 1937Add to your cart.

International Textile Conference - Reports, etc., 1937Add to your cart.

International Textile Conference - Rosters and Administration, 1937Add to your cart.

Interviews, Requests forAdd to your cart.

Invitations - FormalAdd to your cart.

Box 160Add to your cart.

Invitations to Speak, 1935-1937Add to your cart.

Irvin, Warren, 1936Add to your cart.

J (General)Add to your cart.

Judicial ReorganizationAdd to your cart.

K (General)Add to your cart.

L (General)Add to your cart.

Labor's Non-Partisan LeagueAdd to your cart.

Langley, James M., 1936Add to your cart.

Lape, Esther (See also The American Foundation), 1937Add to your cart.

Layman's Association Convention (Methodist Episcopal Church, Poughkeepsie, NY), November 11, 1936Add to your cart.

League of Nations AssociationAdd to your cart.

Lebeau, Roland E., 1940Add to your cart.

Letters of Introduction Written by Mr. WinantAdd to your cart.

Mac-Mc (General)Add to your cart.

MacMurphy, Allen, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Box 161Add to your cart.

Ma-Mi (General)Add to your cart.

Madariaga, S. De, 1936Add to your cart.

Matthews, Benjamin A., 1936-1937Add to your cart.

Michigan Conference of Social Work, October 9, 1936Add to your cart.

Milbank Memorial Fund, 1937Add to your cart.

Milk Study - NRA (Irene Till)Add to your cart.

Miller, Spencer, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Mo-Mu (General)Add to your cart.

Moffett, Guy, 1936-1937Add to your cart.

N (General)Add to your cart.

National Child Labor CommitteeAdd to your cart.

National Committee for Clarifying the Constitution AmendmentAdd to your cart.

National Consumers' LeagueAdd to your cart.

Box 162Add to your cart.

National Institute of Social SciencesAdd to your cart.

National League of Women VotersAdd to your cart.

National Municipal LeagueAdd to your cart.

National Policy Committee, Special Committee on LaborAdd to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1935Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1936Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1937Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1938Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association, 1939-1940Add to your cart.

National Tuberculosis AssociationAdd to your cart.

"National" - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

New England CouncilAdd to your cart.

Box 163Add to your cart.

New HampshireAdd to your cart.

New York Edison CompanyAdd to your cart.

Nichols Engineering and Research CorporationAdd to your cart.

Nyman, Carter, 1936Add to your cart.

O (General)Add to your cart.

Oberlin CollegeAdd to your cart.

Old South ForumAdd to your cart.

P (General)Add to your cart.

Pearson, John, 1934-1937Add to your cart.

Pension (Old Age) ReportAdd to your cart.

Perkins, Frances, 1936Add to your cart.

Presidential Campaign (Mock Republican Convention), 1936Add to your cart.

Box 164Add to your cart.

PressAdd to your cart.

Princeton UniversityAdd to your cart.

Pryll, Walter, 1939Add to your cart.

Q (General)Add to your cart.

R (General)Add to your cart.

Rauch, Stewart, 1936Add to your cart.

Recommendations Written by JGWAdd to your cart.

Resettlement Administration (Low-cost Housing)Add to your cart.

Riegelman, Carol, 1936Add to your cart.

Rochester, University ofAdd to your cart.

Roosevelt, President Franklin D. and EleanorAdd to your cart.

Roosevelt Memorial AssociationAdd to your cart.

Sa-Sl (General)Add to your cart.

Scribner and SonsAdd to your cart.

Second National Conference on Labor LegislationAdd to your cart.

Sm-Sz (General)Add to your cart.

Box 165Add to your cart.

Smith, Geoffrey, 1935-1937Add to your cart.

Smith, Phil, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Social Science Research CouncilAdd to your cart.

Social Security ActAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: GeneralAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Appointment as Chairman ofAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Altmeyer/Winant MessagesAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: ClippingsAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Resignation, September 1936Add to your cart.

Social Security Board: Congratulatory Letters re ResignationAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Vandenburg Letter re ResignationAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Anti-Social Security MaterialAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Speaking Engagements in Defense of Social Security ActAdd to your cart.

Box 166Add to your cart.

Social Security Board: Speech Materials for Defense of the BoardAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: First Annual Report - Acknowledgements ofAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: Final Resignation, 1937Add to your cart.

Social Security Board: Statement of JGW as ChairmanAdd to your cart.

Social Security Board: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Speeches: Correspondence reAdd to your cart.

State CompactsAdd to your cart.

Stevens, Raymond B., 1936Add to your cart.

Straus, Roger, 1937-1939Add to your cart.

Study of the Financing of Old-Age SecurityAdd to your cart.

Swift, O. P. and Johnson, Robert W., 1935Add to your cart.

T (General)Add to your cart.

Twentieth Century Fund, Inc. (Wagner Bill)Add to your cart.

Box 167Add to your cart.

U (General)Add to your cart.

U.S. Department of LaborAdd to your cart.

V (General)Add to your cart.

Vouchers, Claims for Reimbursement, etc.Add to your cart.

Wa-Wi (General)Add to your cart.

Washington CathedralAdd to your cart.

WeddingsAdd to your cart.

Whitehouse, C. E. "Deacon", 1936-1937Add to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. John G.Add to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.Add to your cart.

Winant, Frederick, Jr.Add to your cart.

Winant, Jeannette (Mother)Add to your cart.

Winant, John G. (Personal) - Financial Matters, Bills, etc.Add to your cart.

Winant, John G. - Miscellaneous Personal MattersAdd to your cart.

Box 168Add to your cart.

Winant, John G. "For Presidency", 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Wo-Wz (General)Add to your cart.

Woodbury Forest School, VA (re Speech), June 12, 1936Add to your cart.

X-Y-Z (General)Add to your cart.

Christmas Cards (1)Add to your cart.

Christmas Cards (2)Add to your cart.

Social Security Board: ClippingsAdd to your cart.

New York Herald Tribune: ClippingsAdd to your cart.

New York Times: ClippingsAdd to your cart.

Press Clippings: Miscellaneous, 1935-1937Add to your cart.

Series 5: Internal Labor Organization, 1935-1941Add to your cart.
Series 5 consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports, arranged alphabetically by subject or surname of correspondent. Also appointment and address books. The material is arranged in three subseries: Washington Office, 1935-1936; Geneva Office, 1935, 1937-1939; and Washington Office, 1940-1941. Similar material is found in the Series 4 Papers, 1935-February 1941.

Sub-Series 1: Washington, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Box 169Add to your cart.

A (General)Add to your cart.

Andrews, John B., 1936Add to your cart.

B (General)Add to your cart.

BibliographyAdd to your cart.

Boudrea, F. G., 1935Add to your cart.

C (General)Add to your cart.

Calendar ReformAdd to your cart.

ClippingsAdd to your cart.

D (General)Add to your cart.

Holderness SchoolAdd to your cart.

Irvin, Warren, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

ILO: Report of the DirectorAdd to your cart.

J-L (General)Add to your cart.

Johnson, Ethel, 1935Add to your cart.

League of NationsAdd to your cart.

Lorwin, Lewis L. (ILO Economic Advisor), 1935Add to your cart.

Lubin, Isador, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Maritime Conference, 1935Add to your cart.

McGeachy, Craig, 1934-1935Add to your cart.

N (General)Add to your cart.

National Consumers League (Lucy Mason)Add to your cart.

National ILO CommitteeAdd to your cart.

National League of Women VotersAdd to your cart.

Netherlands - Social Insurance (Mr. Abramson's Report)Add to your cart.

Box 170Add to your cart.

Perkins, Frances, 1935Add to your cart.

PersonnelAdd to your cart.

Phelan, E. J., 1935-1936Add to your cart.

R (General)Add to your cart.

Riegelman, Carol, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Rice, William G., 1935Add to your cart.

Santiago Conference (Frieda S. Miller), 1935Add to your cart.

Smith, Geoffrey, 1935-1936Add to your cart.

Stein: Report on Mission in Central EuropeAdd to your cart.

Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr., 1935Add to your cart.

YMCAAdd to your cart.

Sub-Series 2: Geneva, 1935, 1937-1939Add to your cart.

Box 171Add to your cart.

A (General)Add to your cart.

American Advisory Council to the Oxford ConferenceAdd to your cart.

American StagiairesAdd to your cart.

Andrews, John B., 1937Add to your cart.

B (General)Add to your cart.

Baker, Cecil F., 1937-1938Add to your cart.

Boudreau, Frank G., 1938Add to your cart.

Boy Scouts of AmericaAdd to your cart.

Butler, Harold, 1935-1939Add to your cart.

C (General)Add to your cart.

CandidaturesAdd to your cart.

Chamberlain, Joseph P., 1937-1939Add to your cart.

Cherrington, Ben, 1938Add to your cart.

ClippingsAdd to your cart.

Cohen, Benjamin V., 1938Add to your cart.

Consumers' League of MassachusettsAdd to your cart.

Congratulations on Assistant Directorship, April 1935Add to your cart.

Box 172Add to your cart.

Congratulations on Directorship: Statements by Members of ConferenceAdd to your cart.

Congratulations on Directorship: Newspaper ClippingsAdd to your cart.

Congratulations on Directorship: PersonalAdd to your cart.

D (General)Add to your cart.

Doe, Miss Jessie, 1938Add to your cart.

E (General)Add to your cart.

Elliott, R. H., 1937Add to your cart.

F (General)Add to your cart.

Farjeon, Ballin and CompanyAdd to your cart.

Farr, Daniel H., 1935-1938Add to your cart.

Ferenczi, Dr. Imre, 1938-1939Add to your cart.

FlannigansAdd to your cart.

G (General)Add to your cart.

Goodspeeds' Book ShopAdd to your cart.

H (General)Add to your cart.

Box 173Add to your cart.

Harvard College Board of OverseersAdd to your cart.

Healy, Mary, 1938-1939Add to your cart.

Holderness SchoolAdd to your cart.

I (General)Add to your cart.

Indian Head National BankAdd to your cart.

International Chamber of Commerce - Carnegie Joint CommitteeAdd to your cart.

International ClubAdd to your cart.

Invitations - FormalAdd to your cart.

J (General)Add to your cart.

Jackson, Mrs. Fannie, 1937-1939Add to your cart.

Johnson, Miss Ethel M. (1), 1937-1938Add to your cart.

Johnson, Miss Ethel M. (2), 1937-1938Add to your cart.

Box 174Add to your cart.

International Labor Conference, 20th Session, Agenda, June 1936Add to your cart.

International Labor Conference, 25th Session, Provisional Record, June 1939Add to your cart.

International Labor Conference, 25th Session, Information for DirectorAdd to your cart.

K (General)Add to your cart.

L (General)Add to your cart.

M (General)Add to your cart.

Box 175Add to your cart.

Mcdavitt, Clarence G., 1938Add to your cart.

Middlebury CollegeAdd to your cart.

N (General)Add to your cart.

National Consumers' LeagueAdd to your cart.

National Policy CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Norris, Ray, 1937Add to your cart.

O (General)Add to your cart.

O'Leary, Mrs. Margaret, 1936-1938Add to your cart.

P (General)Add to your cart.

Pan American Conference, 1938Add to your cart.

Personnel, 1935Add to your cart.

Phe'an, E. J., 1936Add to your cart.

Q (General)Add to your cart.

R (General)Add to your cart.

Raquet and Tennis ClubAdd to your cart.

Refugees Coming from GermanyAdd to your cart.

Reports, Memoranda, SpeechesAdd to your cart.

Reports - VariousAdd to your cart.

Resnick, Louis, 1938Add to your cart.

Riegelman, carol, 1935-1937Add to your cart.

Box 176Add to your cart.

Rockefeller Foundation Grant for Study of Economic Problems After RearmamentAdd to your cart.

Rollins, Mrs. Ellsworth and Miss Abbie, 1937Add to your cart.

Roosevelt Memorial AssociationAdd to your cart.

Rowen, Mrs. Georgie, 1938Add to your cart.

RussiaAdd to your cart.

S (General)Add to your cart.

Security Storage CompanyAdd to your cart.

Stevens, Raymond B., 1937Add to your cart.

Sweetser, Arthur, 1936-1937Add to your cart.

T (General)Add to your cart.

Taylor, Oliver F.Add to your cart.

Taylor, Wayne, 1938Add to your cart.

U (General)Add to your cart.

V (General)Add to your cart.

W (General)Add to your cart.

Wehle, Louis B., 1937Add to your cart.

Wiggin, Gregg, 1937-1939Add to your cart.

Willitts, Joseph P., 1939-1940Add to your cart.

Women, Status of (National Women's Party)Add to your cart.

Workers Educational Association (Mr. Green)Add to your cart.

Y-Z (General)Add to your cart.

Winant, John G. - ILOAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G. - PersonalAdd to your cart.

Box 177Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Financial MattersAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Cars, Insurance Matters, etc.Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Clippings re JGW and ILOAdd to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. ConstanceAdd to your cart.

Winant, Miss ConstanceAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.Add to your cart.

Winant, Rivington (St. Albans School)Add to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. GilbertAdd to your cart.

Winant, FrederickAdd to your cart.

Winant, Mr. and Mrs. ClintonAdd to your cart.

Sub-Series 3: Washington, 1940-1941Add to your cart.

Box 178Add to your cart.

A-E (General)Add to your cart.

Christmas Cards, 1940Add to your cart.

F-I (General)Add to your cart.

ImmigrationAdd to your cart.

Johnson, Ethel M.: Form Letter Used byAdd to your cart.

J-L (General)Add to your cart.

M (General)Add to your cart.

N (General)Add to your cart.

O-R (General)Add to your cart.

RefugeesAdd to your cart.

S (General)Add to your cart.

Speaking Engagements and Meetings, Summer-Fall, 1940Add to your cart.

T-Z (General)Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: PersonalAdd to your cart.

Box 179Add to your cart.

Appointment Books (2 Volumes), 1937-1938Add to your cart.

Address Books (3 Volumes)Add to your cart.

Series 6: Ambassador to Great Britain, 1941-1946Add to your cart.
Series 6 consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence arranged alphabetically by subject or surname of correspondent. Includes correspondence with various United States and British officials as well as private citizens and United States servicemen; information on John G. Winant, Jr. while a prisoner of war in Germany; other family, business and personal correspondence; a chronological file of outgoing correspondence and files of press clippings.

Box 180Add to your cart.

Aa-Ad (General)Add to your cart.

AberdeenAdd to your cart.

AccountsAdd to your cart.

Achilles, Theodore, 1943-1945Add to your cart.

Addresses, Correction ofAdd to your cart.

AdmiraltyAdd to your cart.

Ag-Al (General)Add to your cart.

Agar, Herbert, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Alanbrooke, Field Marshall Lord, 1946Add to your cart.

7 Aldford Place and 9 Rex Place RentalsAdd to your cart.

Alexander, Field Marshall, 1945Add to your cart.

Alsop, Lt. Stewart, KRRC, 1944Add to your cart.

Am-Ar (General)Add to your cart.

American Ambulance, Great BritainAdd to your cart.

American Chamber of Commerce in LondonAdd to your cart.

American and British Commonwealth AssociationAdd to your cart.

American ClubAdd to your cart.

Box 181Add to your cart.

"American" (Clubs, Societies, etc.)Add to your cart.

American Eagle ClubAdd to your cart.

American Flying Service FoundationAdd to your cart.

American HospitalAdd to your cart.

American LegionAdd to your cart.

American Outpost in Great BritainAdd to your cart.

American Red Cross Committee in Great BritainAdd to your cart.

American Red Cross - Harvard Medical UnitAdd to your cart.

American Society in London - Thanksgiving CelebrationsAdd to your cart.

American University UnionAdd to your cart.

American Women's ClubAdd to your cart.

Amery (India and Burma), 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Amery, Mrs. L. S., 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Anglo-Czechoslovakia Christian FellowshipAdd to your cart.

Anonymous [Partial Signatures]Add to your cart.

Applications, Recommendations Solicited, Appeals for AidAdd to your cart.

Box 182Add to your cart.

AppointmentsAdd to your cart.

Architects - Royal Institute of Royal Architects, Opening of Building Centre, July 19, 1944Add to your cart.

Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 1944-1945Add to your cart.

ArmyAdd to your cart.

Army PersonnelAdd to your cart.

Arnol, General H. H., 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Articles RequestedAdd to your cart.

As-Az (General)Add to your cart.

Association of American CorrespondentsAdd to your cart.

Astor, Lord, 1942-1943Add to your cart.

Astor, Viscountess, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Box 183Add to your cart.

Astor, Colonel J. J., 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Athenaeum, TheAdd to your cart.

Attlee, C. R., 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Australia - High Commissioner, S. M. BruceAdd to your cart.

Austrian Democratic UnionAdd to your cart.

Austrian MovementAdd to your cart.

Autographs, 1941Add to your cart.

Autographs, 1942Add to your cart.

Autographs, 1943-1946Add to your cart.

Auxiliary Territorial ServiceAdd to your cart.

Aircraft and Aviation on German Aviation by Edward Warner, 1943Add to your cart.

Aviation: United States Army Air CorpsAdd to your cart.

Box 184Add to your cart.

Ba (General)Add to your cart.

Baptist Union of Great Britain and IrelandAdd to your cart.

Barnardo Helpers LeagueAdd to your cart.

BarnstapleAdd to your cart.

Barry, Ida Spooner, 1946Add to your cart.

Bass, Robert Perkins, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Baster, Nancy (Searle), 1945Add to your cart.

Be (General)Add to your cart.

Beaconsfield Company, Home GuardAdd to your cart.

Beam, Jacob D., 1942Add to your cart.

Beaverbrook, Lord, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Beecham, Lady, 1941Add to your cart.

Belgian AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Benezet, Louis P., 1943Add to your cart.

Benson, Mrs. Helen, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Benton, William, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Box 185Add to your cart.

Beresford, Frank E., 1943-1946Add to your cart.

Betts, Gen., 1943-1944Add to your cart.

Beveridge, Sir William, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Bevin, Ernest, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Bi-Bl (General)Add to your cart.

BirminghamAdd to your cart.

Biddle, Eric, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Biddle, Mrs. Margaret, 1944Add to your cart.

Bird, Sir Robert, 1941Add to your cart.

Bledisloe, Lord, 1942Add to your cart.

Bo (General)Add to your cart.

Bolte, Charles G. (KKRC), 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Box 186Add to your cart.

Bondfield, Margaret G., 1941Add to your cart.

Bonney, Therese, 1941Add to your cart.

Bonnlander, Mrs. Vincent C., 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Books Across the SeaAdd to your cart.

Boyd, Carlisle, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Boyd, Tom (1913 Bull), 1943Add to your cart.

Br (General)Add to your cart.

Bracken, Brendan, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

BradfordAdd to your cart.

Brandeis, Louis D., 1941Add to your cart.

Braucher, Howard, 1943-1946Add to your cart.

Braunstein, B., 1941Add to your cart.

Brazil; Brazilian AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Brister, Jack (KRRC), 1942-1943Add to your cart.

BristolAdd to your cart.

British-American Ambulance Corps, Inc.Add to your cart.

British Association for the Advancement of ScienceAdd to your cart.

British Association for International UnderstandingAdd to your cart.

British Camp Fire GirlsAdd to your cart.

British CouncilAdd to your cart.

British Delegation to the United States (OPM)Add to your cart.

British Empire Cancer CampaignAdd to your cart.

British Federation of Business and Professional WomenAdd to your cart.

Box 187Add to your cart.

British Federation of Social WorkersAdd to your cart.

British Government (Various Ministries)Add to your cart.

British LegionAdd to your cart.

British Red Cross and St. John's FundAdd to your cart.

British-Soviet Alliance AnniversaryAdd to your cart.

"British" - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Brittain, Sir Harry, 1942-1945Add to your cart.

Broadcasting HouseAdd to your cart.

Bromley, James, 1942Add to your cart.

Brookings Institution (1)Add to your cart.

Brookings Institution (2)Add to your cart.

Brown, J. Douglas, 1941Add to your cart.

Bryan, John, 1942Add to your cart.

Box 188Add to your cart.

Bryanston SchoolAdd to your cart.

Bryce ClubAdd to your cart.

Bs-Bz (General)Add to your cart.

Bullitt, William C., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Burgin, Leslie, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Burns ClubAdd to your cart.

Butler, Harold, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Butler, R. A., 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Bye, George T., 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Ca (General)Add to your cart.

Caesar, Harry I., 1944Add to your cart.

California, Trip to University of, 1946Add to your cart.

Cambridge UniversityAdd to your cart.

Box 189Add to your cart.

Cambridge University Society for International AffairsAdd to your cart.

Campbell, Douglas, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Camrose, Lord, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Cardiff, Mayor ofAdd to your cart.

Cardiff Business ClubAdd to your cart.

Carnegie, Mary, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Carroll, Wallace: Manuscript of The Unending BattleAdd to your cart.

Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, 1944-1945Add to your cart.

Catholic Truth SocietyAdd to your cart.

Ce (General)Add to your cart.

Cecil, Lord, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Ch-Ci (General)Add to your cart.

Chambers, Rev. B., 1942Add to your cart.

Chamberlain, Joseph P., 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Chappell and Company (London)Add to your cart.

Charity Organization SocietyAdd to your cart.

Charter ClubAdd to your cart.

Chelsea Borough CouncilAdd to your cart.

ChequersAdd to your cart.

Box 190Add to your cart.

Chichester, Bishop ofAdd to your cart.

Chilean AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

China Campaign CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Chinese AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Christian Science MonitorAdd to your cart.

ChristmasAdd to your cart.

Christmas, 1945Add to your cart.

Christmas Card Lists (1)Add to your cart.

Christmas Card Lists (2)Add to your cart.

Christmas Card Lists (3)Add to your cart.

Christmas Card Lists (4)Add to your cart.

Churchill, Winston, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Churchill FamilyAdd to your cart.

Box 191Add to your cart.

City Livery ClubAdd to your cart.

Civil Defense ArtistsAdd to your cart.

Cl (General)Add to your cart.

Clarendon PressAdd to your cart.

Clark, Mrs. Cameron, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Clayton, W. L., 1945Add to your cart.

Clifton CollegeAdd to your cart.

Clothworkers CompanyAdd to your cart.

Coa-Con (General)Add to your cart.

Cohen, Ben V., 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Colombian AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Common Ground Ltd.Add to your cart.

Confederation of Management AssociationsAdd to your cart.

Conference of Missionary SocietiesAdd to your cart.

Congratulations on Appointment to Economic and Social Council, March 1946Add to your cart.

Constitution ClubAdd to your cart.

Coo-Coz (General)Add to your cart.

Box 192Add to your cart.

Cooper, Merian, 1941Add to your cart.

Cooperative College, 1942Add to your cart.

Cooperative NewsAdd to your cart.

Corbett Ashby, Mrs., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Cordwainer Club, Ward ofAdd to your cart.

Cotton, R. W., 1942-1943Add to your cart.

Council for Education in World CitizenshipAdd to your cart.

Council on Foreign RelationsAdd to your cart.

Courtauld, Samuel, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Coventry, Mayor ofAdd to your cart.

Cowles, Virginia, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Coyle, Arthur J, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Cr (General)Add to your cart.

Cranborne, Lady, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Cu-Cz (General)Add to your cart.

Cutting, Capt. Heyward, 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Czech Minister (Czechoslovakia, Benes, etc.), 1944-1945Add to your cart.

Box 193Add to your cart.

Da (General)Add to your cart.

Dana, Charles A., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Danish CouncilAdd to your cart.

Davies, Eustace A., 1941Add to your cart.

Davies, Joseph E., 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Davies, Lord and Lady, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

d'-de (General)Add to your cart.

De (General)Add to your cart.

Decorations to British Officers - Ceremony at EmbassyAdd to your cart.

Deerfield AcademyAdd to your cart.

Deputies of British JewsAdd to your cart.

Devonshire ClubAdd to your cart.

Di (General)Add to your cart.

Dinner PartiesAdd to your cart.

Box 194Add to your cart.

Die ZeitungAdd to your cart.

Do (General)Add to your cart.

Douglas, Air Marshal Sholto, 1941Add to your cart.

Dr (General)Add to your cart.

Du (General)Add to your cart.

Durham CathedralAdd to your cart.

Durham Miners' AssociationAdd to your cart.

Ea-Ed (General)Add to your cart.

Earl, Honor, 1944Add to your cart.

Economic and Social CouncilAdd to your cart.

Eden, Anthony, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Eden, Mrs. Anthony and FamilyAdd to your cart.

Eden, Mrs. John - Children's Friendship and Gifts AssociationAdd to your cart.

EdinburghAdd to your cart.

Box 195Add to your cart.

Edwards, Lt. Col. A. M., 1943-1944Add to your cart.

Eg-El (General)Add to your cart.

Egyptian AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Eichelberger, Clark, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Einstein, Lewis, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Em-Er (General)Add to your cart.

Embassy MattersAdd to your cart.

Empire Mothers FundAdd to your cart.

English Speaking UnionAdd to your cart.

European Advisory CommissionAdd to your cart.

Exeter, Mayor ofAdd to your cart.

Es-Ez (General)Add to your cart.

Box 196Add to your cart.

Fa-Fe (General)Add to your cart.

Fabian SocietyAdd to your cart.

Farewell Letters re Resignation, April 1946Add to your cart.

Farish, L. M., 1942-1944Add to your cart.

Fi-Fl (General)Add to your cart.

Fight for FreedomAdd to your cart.

Finan, Mrs. Sturgis, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Five Million ClubAdd to your cart.

Florence, Prof. Sargany, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Fo (General)Add to your cart.

Box 197Add to your cart.

Food, Criticisms, 1941Add to your cart.

Food, Profiteering and Black Markets, 1941Add to your cart.

Food, 1942Add to your cart.

Forum ClubAdd to your cart.

Fr-Fy (General)Add to your cart.

Frankfurter, Felix, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Free Church Federal CouncilAdd to your cart.

Friends Service CouncilAdd to your cart.

Foyles Literary LuncheonsAdd to your cart.

Ga (General)Add to your cart.

Gage, Mrs. Edward, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Gangulee, Prof. Dr. N., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Ge (General)Add to your cart.

General Film Distributions, Ltd.Add to your cart.

GermanyAdd to your cart.

Gi-Gl (General)Add to your cart.

Glasgow UniversityAdd to your cart.

Glasgow University Dialectic SocietyAdd to your cart.

Box 198Add to your cart.

Go (General)Add to your cart.

Goodrich, Carter, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Government Hospitality (British)Add to your cart.

Gr (General)Add to your cart.

Gray, David, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Great Western RailwayAdd to your cart.

Greater London Fund for the BlindAdd to your cart.

GreeceAdd to your cart.

Greenlagh, James, 1943Add to your cart.

Greville, Mrs. Ronald, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Grigg, Sir James and Lady, 1942-1945Add to your cart.

Flat 30, 3 Grosvenor SquareAdd to your cart.

Gu-Gw (General)Add to your cart.

Guest, Lt. Comdr. Raymond, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Guilford, Mayor ofAdd to your cart.

Gunn, James, 1946Add to your cart.

Haa-Han (General)Add to your cart.

Halifax, Lord, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Box 199Add to your cart.

Hall, Rev. Henry A., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Hap-Haz (General)Add to your cart.

Hard, Mrs. William, 1941Add to your cart.

Harriman, Averell, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Hartley, H. T., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Hartley, Sir Harold, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Hayde, Charles, 1944-1945Add to your cart.

He (General)Add to your cart.

Healy, John, 1943Add to your cart.

Herbert, Mrs. Mervyn (Elizabeth), 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Hi (General)Add to your cart.

Hicks, Mrs. Nugent, 1946Add to your cart.

Hillman, William - Woman's Home Companion, 1943Add to your cart.

His Majesty's GovernmentAdd to your cart.

Historical SocietyAdd to your cart.

Hitchcock, Curtice, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Hitchcock, Col. Thomas, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Box 200Add to your cart.

Ho (General)Add to your cart.

Holderness, Mrs. Winsome, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Homely WomenAdd to your cart.

Hoover, J. Edgar, 1942-1943Add to your cart.

Hopkins, Doris, 1941-1947Add to your cart.

Hopkins, Mrs. Ethel, 1944Add to your cart.

Hopkins, Harry, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Hopper, Bruce, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

HousingAdd to your cart.

Hs-Hy (General)Add to your cart.

Hull, Cordell, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

HungaryAdd to your cart.

Huskisson, Major, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Huxley, Julian, 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Ia-Id (General)Add to your cart.

Il-Io (General)Add to your cart.

Box 201Add to your cart.

Illava, Agatha Brown, 1943Add to your cart.

Imperial ReviewAdd to your cart.

Incorporated Association of Architects and SurveyorsAdd to your cart.

Incorporated Association of Head MastersAdd to your cart.

IndiaAdd to your cart.

India LeagueAdd to your cart.

Industrial Christian FellowshipAdd to your cart.

Industrial Women's OrganizationAdd to your cart.

In FactAdd to your cart.

Information, Ministry ofAdd to your cart.

Ingersoll, C. Jared, 1946Add to your cart.

Inner TempleAdd to your cart.

Institute of Ray TherapyAdd to your cart.

Institution of Chemical EngineersAdd to your cart.

Institution of Mechanical EngineersAdd to your cart.

Institution of Structural EngineersAdd to your cart.

"International" (Organizations, etc.)Add to your cart.

International Affairs, A-BAdd to your cart.

Box 202Add to your cart.

International Affairs, C-WAdd to your cart.

International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Women and ChildrenAdd to your cart.

International Commission for War Refugees in Great BritainAdd to your cart.

International Federation of Trade UnionsAdd to your cart.

International Labor Office (M. R. K. Burge)Add to your cart.

International Labor Office (Henri Reymond)Add to your cart.

International Labor Office (General)Add to your cart.

International Mercantile Marine Officers AssociationAdd to your cart.

International Red CrossAdd to your cart.

Inter-Parliamentary UnionAdd to your cart.

Inventory of Embassy FurnitureAdd to your cart.

Box 203Add to your cart.

Invitations to Speak, etc.Add to your cart.

Iranian MinisterAdd to your cart.

Iron and Steel IndustryAdd to your cart.

Ir-Iv (General)Add to your cart.

ItinerariesAdd to your cart.

Ja (General)Add to your cart.

Jacob, Manning, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Je (General)Add to your cart.

Jenkins, Arthur, 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Jo (General)Add to your cart.

Johnson, Ethel, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Johnson, Herschel, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Ju (General)Add to your cart.

Junior Carlton ClubAdd to your cart.

Ka (General)Add to your cart.

Box 204Add to your cart.

Ke (General)Add to your cart.

Kelly, W. S. - International Wool Publicity and Research Secretariat, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Kelmsley, Lord, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Keynes, Lord John Maynard and Lady, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Ki-Kl (General)Add to your cart.

King George's Fund for SailorsAdd to your cart.

Kin's Royal Rifle CorpsAdd to your cart.

Kinsman, TheAdd to your cart.

Kirkcaldy, Harold S., 1944Add to your cart.

Kirkpatrick, Helen, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Kn-Kr (General)Add to your cart.

Knox, Frank, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Koo, Wellington and Mme., 1944Add to your cart.

Ku (General)Add to your cart.

La (General)Add to your cart.

LaGuardia's Civil Defense Commission - LuncheonAdd to your cart.

Lape, Esther, 1942-1944Add to your cart.

Lascelles, Sir Alan, 1946Add to your cart.

Laski, Harold, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Laughlin, Henry - Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Box 205Add to your cart.

Lazaron, Rabbi M. S., 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Le (General)Add to your cart.

League of Nations (London Office)Add to your cart.

League of Nations Society in CanadaAdd to your cart.

League of Nations UnionAdd to your cart.

LeBeau, Dr. J., 1941Add to your cart.

Lee, Imogen, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Lee, Gen. J. C. H., 1944-1946Add to your cart.

LeedsAdd to your cart.

Leggett, F. W., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Lehman, Herbert H., 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Lend-Lease ActAdd to your cart.

Lever, Alfred H. W., 1941Add to your cart.

Lewis, Crosby and Ruth Mary, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Li-Ll (General)Add to your cart.

Liberal Party OrganizationAdd to your cart.

Liddell, C. O., 1941Add to your cart.

Liggett and Myers Cigarette CompanyAdd to your cart.

LincolnAdd to your cart.

Lincoln LoreAdd to your cart.

Box 206Add to your cart.

Lindsay, Dr. A. D., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Ling Physical Education AssociationAdd to your cart.

Liverpool Burns ClubAdd to your cart.

Livingston, Tom, 1941Add to your cart.

Livingstone, Sire Alexander Mackenzie, 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Lo (General)Add to your cart.

London Co-operative SocietyAdd to your cart.

London County CouncilAdd to your cart.

London Fire ForceAdd to your cart.

London, Mayor ofAdd to your cart.

Lu-Ly (General)Add to your cart.

Lucas, Albert H. - St. Albans School, Washington, D.C. (Rivington Winant), 1943Add to your cart.

Mc (General)Add to your cart.

McDougall, Frank L., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

McGeachy, Miss Craig, 1944Add to your cart.

Box 207Add to your cart.

McGill UniversityAdd to your cart.

McIntire, Adm. Ross T., 1945Add to your cart.

McLane, John and Elizabeth, 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Mac (General)Add to your cart.

MacLeish, Archibald, 1943-1944Add to your cart.

MacKay, R. W. G., 1941Add to your cart.

Mab-Man (General)Add to your cart.

Mack, Walter S., 1941Add to your cart.

Maisky, I. M., 1944Add to your cart.

Malcolm, James A., 1941Add to your cart.

Mallery, Otto F., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Manchester, City ofAdd to your cart.

Manchester GuardianAdd to your cart.

Manchester UniversityAdd to your cart.

Mann, Frances, 1947Add to your cart.

Mansfield House University SettlementAdd to your cart.

Mar-May (General)Add to your cart.

Marquand, H. A., 1941Add to your cart.

Marshall, Gen. George, 1942-1944Add to your cart.

Massey, Vincent, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Box 208Add to your cart.

Matthews, Major George, 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Matthews, H. Freeman, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Mayer, Elizabeth, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Me (General)Add to your cart.

Meares, Minnie, 1942-1943Add to your cart.

Mecca AgencyAdd to your cart.

MemorandaAdd to your cart.

Menon, V. K. Krishna, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Merchant Navy Comforts ServiceAdd to your cart.

MessageAdd to your cart.

Methven, Harry F., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Mi (General)Add to your cart.

Ministry of Information Press SurveyAdd to your cart.

Miscellaneous - BritishAdd to your cart.

Box 209Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous - American (1)Add to your cart.

Miscellaneous - American (2)Add to your cart.

Mo (General)Add to your cart.

Montgomery, Gen. B. L., 1942Add to your cart.

Moore-Brabazon, Col., 1942Add to your cart.

Moran, Lord and Lady, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Morgan, Sir Herbert, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Morgenthau, Henry, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Morley, Louise, 1946Add to your cart.

Morrison, Herbert, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Morton, Alfred, 1941Add to your cart.

Moyne, Lord, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Mu-My (General)Add to your cart.

Mulliner, Maurine (Social Security Board), 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Murrow, Edward R. and Janet, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Na (General)Add to your cart.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeopleAdd to your cart.

National Association of Head TeachersAdd to your cart.

Box 210Add to your cart.

National Association of Women Civil ServantsAdd to your cart.

National Book LeagueAdd to your cart.

National Broadcasting CompanyAdd to your cart.

National Child Labor CommitteeAdd to your cart.

National Council of Social ServiceAdd to your cart.

National Defense Public Interest CommitteeAdd to your cart.

National GalleryAdd to your cart.

National Municipal League (Howard P. Jones)Add to your cart.

National Recreation Association (Howard Braucher)Add to your cart.

National Resources Planning BoardAdd to your cart.

National Savings CommitteeAdd to your cart.

National Trade Union Club, Ltd.Add to your cart.

National Union of StudentsAdd to your cart.

Ne (General)Add to your cart.

Never Again AssociationAdd to your cart.

Nevins, Allan, 1942Add to your cart.

New Hampshire State Council of DefenseAdd to your cart.

New Hampshire - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

New Hampshire Tuberculosis AssociationAdd to your cart.

Newell, Prof. Arthur, 1946Add to your cart.

Newspaper Press FundAdd to your cart.

Newspaper Proprietors AssociationAdd to your cart.

Newspaper SocietyAdd to your cart.

News ChronicleAdd to your cart.

News ReviewAdd to your cart.

Box 211Add to your cart.

Ni (General)Add to your cart.

1941 CommitteeAdd to your cart.

No (General)Add to your cart.

Noel-Baker, Philip, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Noon, Sir Firozkahn, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

North American Newspaper AllianceAdd to your cart.

Nottingham League of Nations UnionAdd to your cart.

Nu-Ny (General)Add to your cart.

Oa-Of (General)Add to your cart.

Office of Public Opinion Research - Princeton UniversityAdd to your cart.

Office of War Information (1)Add to your cart.

Office of War Information (2)Add to your cart.

Box 212Add to your cart.

Office of War InformationAdd to your cart.

Officers Federation (Merchant Navy)Add to your cart.

Officers' Sunday ClubAdd to your cart.

Og-Ol (General)Add to your cart.

O'Leary, J. J., 1941Add to your cart.

O'Leary, Margaret, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Om-Or (General)Add to your cart.

Os-Oz (General)Add to your cart.

Overseas HouseAdd to your cart.

Oxford, Lady, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Oxford Union SocietyAdd to your cart.

Oxford University and University PressAdd to your cart.

Oxford University, Honorary Degree, October 25, 1946Add to your cart.

Oxford and Cambridge University ClubAdd to your cart.

Box 213Add to your cart.

Pa (General)Add to your cart.

Page, F. Handley, 1941Add to your cart.

Paget, Lt. Gen. B. C. T., 1941Add to your cart.

Paid AccountsAdd to your cart.

Panama, Minister ofAdd to your cart.

Pan-American Airways, Inc.Add to your cart.

Pankhurst, E. Sylvia, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Parish, C. W., 1942Add to your cart.

Parkestone and Bournemouth CooperativeAdd to your cart.

Parkinson, Dana, 1941Add to your cart.

Partridge, Frank, 1943-1945Add to your cart.

Pauley, Edwin W., 1941Add to your cart.

Pe-Pf (General)Add to your cart.

Peabody Donation FundAdd to your cart.

Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Pearson, Sir Neville, 1941Add to your cart.

Pell, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Box 214Add to your cart.

P. E. N.Add to your cart.

Penfield, Ruth M., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Penfield, Wilder, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

People's Common Law ParliamentAdd to your cart.

Political and Economic Planning CongressAdd to your cart.

Perkins, Frances, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Perrett, Janine, 1944-1945Add to your cart.

Ph-Pl (General)Add to your cart.

PhotographersAdd to your cart.

The PilgrimsAdd to your cart.

Po-Pr (General)Add to your cart.

Box 215Add to your cart.

PoemsAdd to your cart.

PolandAdd to your cart.

Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, 1941Add to your cart.

Portal, Lady, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Portland Urban District Council - Memorial Tablet for the U.S. ForcesAdd to your cart.

PortugalAdd to your cart.

Post-War - Relief, Planning, etc.Add to your cart.

Box 216Add to your cart.

Press Releases, Conferences, etc.Add to your cart.

PrincetonAdd to your cart.

Princeton - Class of 1913Add to your cart.

Prisoners of WarAdd to your cart.

Pr-Pz (General)Add to your cart.

Q (General)Add to your cart.

Ra (General)Add to your cart.

Ralph Pay and Taylor - Great White End CottageAdd to your cart.

"Rawlings" - Seer Green, BucksAdd to your cart.

Re (General)Add to your cart.

Readers' DigestAdd to your cart.

Reading, Lady, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

"Reconstruction: The American Challenge"Add to your cart.

Reconstruction Schemes - H. G. WellsAdd to your cart.

Reconstruction: "America Marches" - Report by Margaret CarrollAdd to your cart.

Reconstruction: International FinanceAdd to your cart.

Box 217Add to your cart.

Reconstruction: Post-War Planning in BritainAdd to your cart.

Reconstruction: "Presenting Post-War Planning to the People"Add to your cart.

Reconstruction: Youth Training Program After the War (Aubrey Williams - NYA)Add to your cart.

Reconstruction: Economics of the Atlantic Charter, Banker, December 1941Add to your cart.

Reconstruction: Reports, Correspondence, Etc.Add to your cart.

RefugeesAdd to your cart.

Reid, Walter W., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Reports, MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

ResidencesAdd to your cart.

Reuter FeaturesAdd to your cart.

Rexford, Mrs. C., 1944Add to your cart.

Reynolds, Quentin, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Rh-Ri (General)Add to your cart.

Rhode, Gabriele, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Riegelman, Carol (ILO), 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Roa-Rol (General)Add to your cart.

Box 218Add to your cart.

Rom-Roz (General)Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, Mrs. Kermit, 1943-1945Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, President Franklin D. [Before April 12, 1945]Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, President Franklin D. [Post April 12, 1945]Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, President Franklin D. - Personal Messages of Condolence on his DeathAdd to your cart.

Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D., 1942-1945Add to your cart.

Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. - Condolence LettersAdd to your cart.

Rosenman, Samuel, 1945Add to your cart.

Rotary International and Rotary Clubs in the United KingdomAdd to your cart.

Royal Aero Club - Royal Aeronautical SocietyAdd to your cart.

Royal Empire SocietyAdd to your cart.

Royal Family - Duke and Dutchess of GloucesterAdd to your cart.

Royal Family - Princess RoyalAdd to your cart.

Royal Family - H. M. the KingAdd to your cart.

Royal Family - H. M. the QueenAdd to your cart.

Royal Family - Queen MaryAdd to your cart.

Royal FamilyAdd to your cart.

Royal Institute of International AffairsAdd to your cart.

Royal Naval CollegeAdd to your cart.

Box 219Add to your cart.

"Royal" (Clubs and Organizations) (1)Add to your cart.

"Royal" (Clubs and Organizations)(2)Add to your cart.

Rowett Research InstituteAdd to your cart.

Ru-Ry (General)Add to your cart.

Russell, Archibald, Estate ofAdd to your cart.

SA (General)Add to your cart.

Saint - St (Boroughs, Organizations, Churches, etc.)Add to your cart.

Box 220Add to your cart.

St. Paul's Church, Portsmouth SquareAdd to your cart.

St. Paul's School, Concord, NHAdd to your cart.

St. Paul's School, W. OakshottAdd to your cart.

Salvation ArmyAdd to your cart.

Saunders, H. A. St. George, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Savage ClubAdd to your cart.

Savage, Raymond, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Save the Children's FundAdd to your cart.

Sawbridge, Rev. Hugh, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Sawyer, Charles J., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Schuster, Sir George E., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Sc (General)Add to your cart.

Science of Culture SeriesAdd to your cart.

The ScotsmanAdd to your cart.

Scott, T. T., 1943-1946Add to your cart.

Scottish Burns ClubAdd to your cart.

Se (General)Add to your cart.

Selby, Mrs. Frances M. Collingwood, 1941Add to your cart.

Semphill, Lord, 1941Add to your cart.

Sh-Sl (General)Add to your cart.

Sheean, Vincent, 1941Add to your cart.

SheffieldAdd to your cart.

Sheffield Council of Christian CommunitiesAdd to your cart.

Sheffield Youth CouncilAdd to your cart.

Shine, Joseph, 1943Add to your cart.

Shirras, Prof. G. Findlay, 1942Add to your cart.

ShrewsburyAdd to your cart.

Simon, Lord and Lady, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Simon, Sir Ernest, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Box 221Add to your cart.

Skouras, S. P., 1946Add to your cart.

Smith, Geoffrey, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Smith, Phil, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Sm-Sn (General)Add to your cart.

So (General)Add to your cart.

Social Credit PartyAdd to your cart.

Somerville CollegeAdd to your cart.

Sons of Friends of JGW Seen by the AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Sound Currency AssociationAdd to your cart.

South and Central American Reaction to the Ambassador's Guildhall Speech, August 28, 1942Add to your cart.

Southwell, Mrs. Erica, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Soviet AmbassadorAdd to your cart.

Sp-Sq (General)Add to your cart.

Box 222Add to your cart.

Speeches by Members of British GovernmentAdd to your cart.

Speeches by President RooseveltAdd to your cart.

Speeches by Members of the United States GovernmentAdd to your cart.

Speeches - MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.

Sports and General Press AgencyAdd to your cart.

St (General)Add to your cart.

Stark, Admiral Harold, 1944-1946Add to your cart.

StamfordAdd to your cart.

Standing Joint Committee of Industrial Women's OrganizationsAdd to your cart.

StaplesAdd to your cart.

Stars and StripesAdd to your cart.

Box 223Add to your cart.

Stein, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W., 1941Add to your cart.

Stein, Osvald and Margaret, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Steyne, Alan, 1941-1944Add to your cart.

Stillman, Rufus, Kate and Edgar, 1944Add to your cart.

Straight, Lady Daphne, 1943-1946Add to your cart.

Stuart, Horatius Bonar, 1941Add to your cart.

Su-Sz (General)Add to your cart.

Sulgrave Manor BoardAdd to your cart.

Survey GraphicAdd to your cart.

Sweezy, Mrs. Paul, 1943-1947Add to your cart.

Ta (General)Add to your cart.

Tawney, Prof. R. H., 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Taylor, Myron, 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Te (General)Add to your cart.

Teheran Conference, Material Collected onAdd to your cart.

Teulon, Merrill John, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

Th-Ti (General)Add to your cart.

Box 224Add to your cart.

Thanksgiving Day - Westminster AbbeyAdd to your cart.

Thanksgiving Day, 1944Add to your cart.

Thirty ClubAdd to your cart.

Thompson, Comm. C. R. "Tommy", 1944-1946Add to your cart.

Thompson, Llewellyn, 1941Add to your cart.

Tillett, Benjamin, 1941-1943Add to your cart.

Time and LifeAdd to your cart.

The Times (London)Add to your cart.

Tixier, M. and Mme. Adrien, 1941-1946Add to your cart.

To (General)Add to your cart.

Trade Union CongressAdd to your cart.

Transport and General Worker's RecordAdd to your cart.

Travel ClubAdd to your cart.

Travellers' ClubAdd to your cart.

Tree, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, 1942-1945Add to your cart.

Trenchard, Lord, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Truman, President Harry S., 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Tweedy, Mrs. Grace V., n.d.Add to your cart.

Twentieth-Century Fox TheatreAdd to your cart.

Tr-Tz (General)Add to your cart.

U (General)Add to your cart.

Box 225Add to your cart.

"United"Add to your cart.

Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, October 6, 1944Add to your cart.

United Artists CorporationAdd to your cart.

United Nations DocumentsAdd to your cart.

UNRRAAdd to your cart.

United Service ClubAdd to your cart.

U.S. Naval Attach, 1939-1946Add to your cart.

United Wards' Club of the City of LondonAdd to your cart.

Va-Ve (General)Add to your cart.

Box 226Add to your cart.

Vi (General)Add to your cart.

Vo (General)Add to your cart.

Wa (General)Add to your cart.

Wallace, Mrs. Evan (Barbie), 1944Add to your cart.

War, Conduct of theAdd to your cart.

Warner Brothers PicturesAdd to your cart.

Washington Visit (1), Spring 1942Add to your cart.

Washington Visit (2), Spring 1942Add to your cart.

Washington Visit (3), Spring 1942Add to your cart.

Box 227Add to your cart.

Washington Visit (4), Spring 1942Add to your cart.

Washington Visit (5), Spring 1942Add to your cart.

We (General)Add to your cart.

Wedemeyer, Gen. A. C., 1945Add to your cart.

Wells, H. G., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Welsh SocietyAdd to your cart.

West Midland Group on Post-War Reconstruction and PlanningAdd to your cart.

Wh (General)Add to your cart.

Whites ClubAdd to your cart.

Whitney, A. T., 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Wia-Williams (General)Add to your cart.

Williamson-Wiz (General)Add to your cart.

Wingate, General Order, 1945Add to your cart.

Winget, Ltd.Add to your cart.

Box 228Add to your cart.

Woa-Won (General)Add to your cart.

Women at War (WVS Propaganda)Add to your cart.

Woo-Woz (General)Add to your cart.

Woodhouse, Lady Davina, 1942-1946Add to your cart.

Woolf, Edward, 1943-1945Add to your cart.

World Council of ChurchesAdd to your cart.

Workers Educational AssociationAdd to your cart.

Wr-Wz (General)Add to your cart.

Wright, Mrs. Beatrice, 1941-1942Add to your cart.

Ya (General)Add to your cart.

Yo (General)Add to your cart.

Box 229Add to your cart.

Young Men's Christian Association (1)Add to your cart.

Young Men's Christian Association (2)Add to your cart.

Yu (General)Add to your cart.

Za (General)Add to your cart.

Zi (General)Add to your cart.

Zo (General)Add to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Report of Searching PartyAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Newspaper Accounts re Missing in Action, October 12, 1943Add to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Canadian Red Cross CommitteeAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: CrewAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Official Notices, Reports onAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Letters ofAdd to your cart.

Box 230Add to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Red Cross Supplies forAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Letters toAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Miscellaneous Correspondence reAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Letters of Sympathy and Congratulations (British) - Buckingham PalaceAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Letters of Sympathy and Congratulations (British) - A-Z and UnidentifiedAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Lists of Letters of Sympathy ReceivedAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Letters of Sympathy and Congratulations (American) A-EAdd to your cart.

Box 231Add to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Letters of Sympathy and Congratulations (American) F-ZAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr.: Congratulatory Letters on the Liberation ofAdd to your cart.

Winant, Mr. and Mrs. John G.: Cables and Other Correspondence, 1941-1945Add to your cart.

Box 232Add to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. John GAdd to your cart.

Velando, Constance WinantAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G., Jr. - Before CaptureAdd to your cart.

Winant, RivingtonAdd to your cart.

Archibald D. Russell EstateAdd to your cart.

Winant, Mrs. GilbertAdd to your cart.

Winant, Clinton D.Add to your cart.

Winant FamilyAdd to your cart.

Winant, FrederickAdd to your cart.

Winant, Bay (Mrs. Clinton), Ursula, Valerie, HilaryAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Biographical MaterialAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: PersonalAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: AutomobileAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: InsuranceAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Financial MattersAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Addresses, Notes, etc.Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Calling Cards, Membership Cards, Notes, etc.Add to your cart.

Box 233Add to your cart.

Chronological File, January-December 1942Add to your cart.

Box 234Add to your cart.

Chronological File, January 1943-June 1944Add to your cart.

Box 235Add to your cart.

Chronological File, July 1944-May 1946Add to your cart.

Box 236Add to your cart.

Christmas Cards and Messages, 1945-1946Add to your cart.

Box 237Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (1), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (2), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (3), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (4), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (5), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (6), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (7), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages (8), 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages and Copies of Replies (1)Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages and Copies of Replies (2)Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages and Letters from Friends and RepliesAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory Messages and Letters from Officials and RepliesAdd to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Unsigned Answers to Congratulatory Letters, February 1941Add to your cart.

Winant, John G.: Congratulatory CablesAdd to your cart.

Box 238Add to your cart.

Press Clippings: New York Times, 1941Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, January -February 1941Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, February-March 1941Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, March 1941Add to your cart.

Box 239Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, April-May 1941Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, June-July 1941Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, August-September 1941Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, October-December 1941 and undatedAdd to your cart.

Box 240Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, January-February 1942Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, March-May 1942Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, June-September 1942Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, October-December 1942Add to your cart.

Press Clippings: Invasion of Italy, August-September 1943Add to your cart.

Press Clippings: Meeting with Eden and Maisky, September 1, 1943Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, 1943Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, 1944Add to your cart.

Press Clippings, etc., 1945Add to your cart.

Series 7: Post-Ambassadorial Period, 1946-1947Add to your cart.
Series 7 holds incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports arranged alphabetically by subject of surname of correspondent with material concerning the Economic and Social Council and American Brotherhood Week; a chronological file of outgoing correspondence; appointment diaries and press clippings.

Box 241Add to your cart.

A (General)Add to your cart.

American and British Commonwealth AssociationAdd to your cart.

American Brotherhood WeekAdd to your cart.

Americans for Democratic ActionAdd to your cart.

American Legion FoundersAdd to your cart.

Association of Movements International for SolidarityAdd to your cart.

American Overseas Aid Board (Lee Marshall, Chr.)Add to your cart.

American Youth Hostels (1)Add to your cart.

American Youth Hostels (2)Add to your cart.

American Youth Hostels (3)Add to your cart.
