Bibliography: New Deal
This is a select list of standard works on this topic compiled by the staff of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. It is not intended to be an exhaustive bibliography. To find more printed resources on this topic, please search our Online Book Catalog of over 50,000 volumes.Selections on this list are organized by author name. Click here to download the printable version.
Author | Title |
Badger, Anthony J. |
FDR: The First Hundred Days. Hill and Wang, 2008.
The New Deal: The Depression Years, 1933-1940. Ivan R. Dee, 2002.
New Deal/New South: An Anthony J. Badger Reader University of Arkansas Press, 2007. |
Barber, William J. |
Designs within Disorder: Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Economists, and the Shaping of American Economic Policy, 1933-1945. Cambridge University Press, 1996. |
Bauman, John F. and Thomas H. Coode |
In the Eye of the Great Depression: New Deal Reporters and the Agony of the American People. Northern Illinois University Press, 1988. |
Best, Gary D. |
Pride, Prejudice and Politics: Roosevelt versus Recovery, 1933-1938. Praeger, 1991. |
Biles, Roger |
A New Deal for the American People. Northern Illinois University Press, 1991. |
Bindas, Kenneth J.
Remembering the Great Depression in the Rural South University Press of Florida, 2007 |
Bold, Christine
Writers, Plumbers, and Anarchists: The WPA Writers' Project in Massachusetts University of Massachusetts Pres, 2006 |
Bolden, Tonya |
FDR’s Alphabet Soup: New Deal America, 1932-1939. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010. |
Borgwardt, Elizabeth |
A New Deal for the World: America's Vision for Human Rights. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005. |
Braeman, John, ed. |
The New Deal. Ohio State University Press, 1975. v. 1 The National Level v. 2 The State and Local Levels |
Brinkley, Alan |
The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War. Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. |
Carter, Ennis
Posters for the People: Art of the WPA Quirk Books, 2008 |
Choate, Jean |
Disputed Ground: Farm Groups that opposed the New Deal Agricultural Program. McFarland, 2002. |
Clarke, Jeanne N. |
Roosevelt's Warrior: Harold L. Ickes and the New Deal. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. |
Clemens, Elizabeth
The Works Progress Administration in Detroit Arcadia Publishing, 2008 |
Cohen, Wilbur, J. |
The Roosevelt New Deal: A Program Assessment Fifty Years After. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, 1986. |
Conkin, Paul F. |
The New Deal. 3rd ed. Harlan Davidson, 1992. |
Davis, Anita Price
New Deal Art in North Carolina: The Murals, Sculptures, Reliefs, Paintings, Oils and Frescoes and Their Creators McFarland & Co., 2009 |
Davis, Kenneth S. |
FDR, the New Deal Years, 1933-1937. Random House, 1986. |
Dewing, Rolland
Regions in Transition: The Northern Great Plains and the Pacific Northwest in the Great Depression University Press of America, 2006 |
Downey, Kirstin |
The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR's Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience. Doubleday, 2009. |
Dubofsky, Melvyn and Stephen Burwood |
The New Deal. Garland Publishers, 1990. |
Eden, Robert |
The New Deal and Its Legacy: Critique and Reappraisal Greenwood Press, 1989. |
Edsforth, Ronald |
The New Deal: America's Response to the Great Depression. Blackwell Publishers, 2000. |
Eliot, Thomas H. |
Recollections of the New Deal: When the People Mattered. Northeastern University Press, 1992. |
Esperdy, Gabrielle |
Modernizing Main Street : Architecture and Conservation Culture in the New Deal. University of Chicago Press, 2008. |
Fearon, Peter
Kansas in the Great Depression: Work Relief, the Dole, and Rehabilitation University of Missouri Press, 2007 |
Flynn, Kathryn A. |
The New Deal: A 75th Anniversary Celebration. Gibbs Smith, 2008. |
Folsom, Burton, Jr.
New Deal or Raw Deal? How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America Threshold Editions, 2008 |
Fraser, Steve and Gary Gerstle |
The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-1980. Princeton University Press, 1989. |
Freidel, Frank |
Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny. Little, Brown, 1990. |
Gelfand, Lawrence. |
The New Deal, Viewed from Fifty Years. Center for the Study of the Recent History of the United States, 1984. |
Graham, Otis L. |
The New Deal: The Critical Issues. Little, Brown, 1971.
Great Depression and the New Deal: A Thematic Encyclopedia, 2 volumes. ABC-CLIO, 2010. |
Grieve, Victoria |
The Federal Art Project and the Creation of Middlebrow Culture. University of Illinois Press, 2009. |
Gross, Steven Jay |
"Civic Hands upon the Land: Diverse Patterns of Social Education in the Civilian Conservations Corps and Its Analogues, 1933-1942" In Social Education in the Twentieth Century: Curriculum and Context for Citizenship. Peter Lang, 2004. |
Hamilton, David E. |
The New Deal. Houghton, Mifflin, 1999. |
Hawley, Ellis |
The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly; a Study in Economic Ambivalence. Princeton University Press, 1966. |
Hillstrom, Kevin
The Great Depression and the New Deal Omnigraphics, 2009 |
Hosen, Frederick E. |
The Great Depression and the New Deal: Legislative Acts in Their Entirety (1932-1933) and Statistical Economic Data (1926-1946). McFarland, 1992. |
Irons, Peter |
The New Deal Lawyers. Princeton University Press, 1982. |
Jarrow, Gail
Robert H. Jackson: New Deal Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice, Nuremberg Prosecutor Calkins Creek, 2008 |
Karl, Barry D. |
The Uneasy State: The United States from 1915 to 1945. University of Chicago Press, 1983. |
Kolvet, Renée Corona and Victoria Ford
The Civilian Conservation Corps in Nevada: From Boys to Men University of Nevada Press, 2006 |
Lash, Joseph P. |
Dealers and Dreamers: A New Look at the New Deal. Doubleday, 1988. |
Leighninger, Robert D., Jr.
Building Louisiana: The Legacy of the Public Works Administration University Press of Mississippi, 2007 |
Leuchtenburg, William |
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940. Harper and Row, 1963.
The New Deal: A Documentary History. Harper & Row, 1968. |
Levine, Rhonda |
Class Struggle and the New Deal: Industrial Labor, Industrial Capital, and the State. University Press of Kansas, 1988. |
Louchheim, Katie |
The Making of the New Deal: The Insiders Speak. Harvard University Press, 1983. |
Maher, Neil M.
Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement Oxford University Press, 2008 |
McElvaine, Robert S. |
The Great Depression: America, 1929-1941. Times Books, 1984. |
Mettler, Suzanne |
Dividing Citizens: Gender and Federalism in New Deal Public Policy. Cornell University Press, 1998. |
Milkman, Paul |
PM: A New Deal in Journalism, 1940-1948. Rutgers University Press, 1997. |
Moley, Raymond |
The First New Deal. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966. |
Moore, Robert J.
The Civilian Conservation Corps in Arizona's Rim Country: Working in the Woods University of Nevada Press, 2006 |
Olson, James S. |
Historical Dictionary of the New Deal From Inauguration to Preparation for War Greenwood Press, 1985. |
Phillips, Sarah T.
This Land, This Nation: Conservation, Rural America, and the New Deal Cambridge University Press, 2007 |
Poole, Mary
The Segregated Origins of Social Security: African Americans and the Welfare State University of North Carolina Press, 2006 |
Quinn, Susan
Furious Improvisation: How the WPA and a Cast of Thousands Made High Art out of Desperate Times Walker & Co., 2008 |
Rauch, Basil |
The History of the New Deal, 1933-1938. Creative Age Press, 1944. |
Reagan, Patrick D. |
Designing a New America: The Origins of New Deal Planning, 1890-1943. University of Massachusetts Press, 1999. |
Robinson, Edgar |
The Roosevelt Leadership, 1933-1945. Lippincott, 1955. |
Romasco, Albert U. |
The Politics of Recovery: Roosevelt's New Deal. Oxford University Press, 1983. |
Rosenof, Theodore |
Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and Their Legacies, 1933-1993. University of North Carolina Press, 1997. |
Rozell, Mark J. and Wm. D.Peterson |
FDR and the Modern Presidency: Leadership and Legacy. Praeger, 1997. |
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang
Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 Metropolitan Books, 2006 |
Scroop, Daniel |
Mr. Democrat: Jim Farley, the New Deal and the Making of Modern American Politics. University of Michigan Press, 2006. |
Shawhan, Dorothy S. and Martha H. Swain
Lucy Somerville Howorth: New Deal Lawyer, Politician, and Feminist from the South Louisiana State University Press, 2006 |
Shlaes, Amity |
The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. Harper Collins, 2007. |
Shogan, Robert
Backlash: The Killing of the New Deal Ivan R. Dee, 2006 |
Smith, Jason Scott
Building New Deal Liberalism: The Political Economy of Public Works, 1933-1956 Cambridge University Press, 2006 |
Spirn, Anne Whiston
Daring to Look: Dorothea Lange's Photographs and Reports from the Field University of Chicago Press, 2008 |
Sternsher, Bernard |
Hope Restored: How the New Deal Worked in Town and Country. Ivan R. Dee, 1999. |
Taylor, David |
Soul of a People: The WPA Writer's Project Uncovers Depression America. Wiley, 2009. |
Taylor, Nick |
American-Made: The Enduring Legacy of the WPA: When FDR Put the Nation to Work. Bantam Books, 2008. |
Thomas, Bernice |
The Stamp of FDR: New Deal Post Offices in the Mid-HudsonValley. Purple Mountain Press, 2002. |
Venn, Fiona |
The New Deal. Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998. |
Vittoz, Stanley |
New Deal Labor Policy and the American Industrial Economy. University of North Carolina Press, 1987. |
Wall, Wendy L. |
Inventing the “American Way”: The Politics of Consensus from the New Deal to the Civil Rights Movement. Oxford University Press, 2008. |
Ware, Susan |
Beyond Suffrage, Women in the New Deal. Harvard University Press, 1981. |
White, G. Edward |
The Constitution and the New Deal. Harvard University Press, 2000. |
Willard, Pat |
America Eats!: On the Road with the WPA. Bloomsbury, 2008. |