January 14th, 1943


Times Log Location Source


Before daylight Capt. Durno and Chief Ship's Clerk Terry left the USS Memphis with the baggage and supplies. A Navy working party had the motor sailor unloaded in jig time, and the truck provided by the Army was soon on its way to Yundum Field where the Army Transport Command waited to transport FDR and his party to Casablanca, Morocco about 1600 miles north

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Bathurst, Gambia



Shortly after 8 AM, FDR and the rest of his party came into the Royal Air Force dock at Bathurst and rode automobiles to the airport. The route to the flying field took FDR through the main section of Bathurst. Due to the prevalance of disease and the general unsanitary conditions, the mortality rate is very high and life expectancy is only about 26 years.

Bathurst, Gambia



Arriving at Yundum Field, FDR was met by Brig. Gen. C. R. Smith, ATC, who had flown down from Casablanca, Morocco with the 2 C-54 Army transport planes. This type of plane, manufactured by the Douglas Aircraft Corporation, is powered by 4 Wright 1200 horse-power motors, carries 26 passengers and has a cruising speed of 180 miles per hour.

Bathurst, Gambia


8:57am –


To Casablanca, Morocco, accompanied by Harry L. Hopkins, Gen. George C. Marshall, Adm. Ernest J. King, Gen. Henry H. Arnold, via Marrakech, Morocco

Bathurst, Gambia



The planes took off from Yundum Field. Normally the air route from Bathurst to Casablanca is entirely over land, but this flight was commenced by a swing to seaward and a turn to the north following the coastline in order to afford FDR an aerial view of Dakar and St Louis, in Senegal, French West Africa. After passing St. Louis, the planes turned inland and passed over hundreds of miles of desert, cruising at 8000-11500 feet.

Enroute Casablanca, Morroco



FDR's plane landed at Medouina Airport, Casablanca, Morocco where FDR and the passengers of his plane were met by Michael Reilly of the White House Secret Service. FDR proceeded by auto to his villa adjoining the Anfa Hotel. Here, the US Army had taken over a medium-size hotel and 14 nearby buildings. The entire area had been surrounded with barbed wire together with a heavy guard of troops, planes and artillery, for FDR and Prime Min. Winston S. Churchill.

Casablanca, Morroco



FDR was installed in villa #2, "Dar es Saada," and a few minutes later, Harry L. Hopkins left for villa #3, "Mirador" to escort Prime Min. Winston S. Churchill across to FDR's villa. FDR and Prime Min. Winston S. Churchill conferred for an hour and then went in to dinner with the following: Alan Brooke; Adm. Sir Dudley Pound; Charles Portal; Louis Mountbatten; Gen. George C. Marshall, Adm. Ernest J. King, Gen. Henry H. Arnold, Elliott Roosevelt, Harry L. Hopkins, and W. Averell Harriman

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Casablanca, Morroco



After dinner, FDR's guests stayed late, renewing old aquaintances and "talking shop." It was not until almost three hours after midnight that FDR retired.

Casablanca, Morroco



In New York, NY



Lt. David Hopkins (arr 8:00), Miss Lorena Hickok (left 10:30), Edward Roddan (arr. 1:00)


USH = White House Usher's Diary, STE = Stenographer's Diary, PC = Press Conference, TU = Tully's Appointment Diary

These transcripts are based on archival sources documenting President Roosevelt's daily activities, including the White House Usher's Log and the White House Stenographer's Diary. The transcripts were created for reference purposes. Because errors can occur in data entry, we encourage you to review and cite to the original sources displayed below.


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