July 29th, 1944


Times Log Location Source


FDR signed official mail.

Honolulu, HI


11:00am –


FDR accompanied by Adm. Ghormley and Gen. Richardson, dep. Waikiki by automobile for another inspection tour of Oahu, He stopped first at the Army General Hospital No. 147 (occupying the plant of the former Saint Louis University) in Honolulu. He was met here by Col. White, Commanding Officer of the hospital. This is a 1000-bed hospital and it was filled, most of the patients being wounded men evacuated from Saipan. FDR dep. his car haere and went through several of the wards and chatted briefly with a number of the patients.

Note: Many of the patient who could get outside were on the grounds to see the President as he passed.

Honolulu, HI



Arrived at the Naval Air Station, Honolulu (John Rodgers Airport). Here FDR was met by Capt. D. S. Ingalls, the Commanding Officer, for a drive through the station. We did not stop here except to pick up and drop off the Commanding Officer as we dep. the limits of his station.

Honolulu, HI



Arrived at Hickham Field where FDR was met by Col. Paul Johnson, the Commanding Officer. All Hickham Field - servicemen and civilians alike - was out to see FDR. Here, parked on an apron in front of one of the hugh hangers was an ambulance plane just in with wounded men evacuated from Saipan. FDR paused her for a few minutes to witness the unloading of the wounded and several of them were brought on their stretchers to FDRs car where he talked with them briefly.

Note: What a surprise and cheer those boys showed on unexpectedly facing FDR. Each plane carrys 32 patients.

Honolulu, HI



dep. Hickham Field and proceeded directly to the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard.

Honolulu, HI



Arrived at Navy Yard and FDR was joined by Rear Adm. W. R.Furlong, Commandant of the Yard. We drove first to administration building where, from his car, FDR addressed an assembly of thousands of navy yard workers. He then drove about the navy yard, stopping abreast the battleship USS Maryland, then in drydock, to greet her skipper, Capt. H. J. Ray, and to note how her torpedeo damaged bow had been repaired.

Honolulu, HI



dep. the Navy Yard.

Honolulu, HI



Arrived at the submarine base. FDR was met by Capt. C. E. Aldrich, the Commanding Officer, and escorted for a tour of the base and through a number of the workshops.

Honolulu, HI



Arrived at Adm. Chester W. Nimitz's quarters at Makalapa Point in Pearl Harbor. At Adm. Chester W. Nimitz's quarters FDR dep. his car and received a large number of Flag and General Officers who had assembled there. After the reception FDR had lunch here as Adm. Chester W. Nimitz's guest, in company with Adm. William D. Leahy, Adm. Ghormley, Adm. Calhoun, Adm. Lockwood, Adm. Towers, Adm. Ross T. McIntire, Adm. Wilson Brown, Adm. Furlong, Adm. Kauffman, Adm. Pownall, Adm. McMorris, Gen. Buckner, Gen. Harmon, Gen. Richardson, Gen. Edwin M. Watson, Gen. Rowell, Gen. Julian Smith, Gen. Leavey, Gen. Mandell, Capt. Anderson, Capt. Austin, and Capt. Wood, Lt. Comdr. Lamar and Lt. Comdr. Bruenn, Gov. Stainback, Delegate Farrington, Elmer Davis and Judge Samuel I. Rosenman. After lunch Adm. Chester W. Nimitz presented FDR a belt, woven from the lhala plant, which was sent by the King of Ailinglapalap, one of the Marshall Island atolls.

Note: The belt had an inscription: :What you have taken by force you must be prepared to hold by force".

Honolulu, HI



The luncheon over, FDR accompanied by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz and Adm. Ghormley, dep. Adm. Chester W. Nimitz's quarters for the Naval Hospital at Aiea.

Honolulu, HI


2:35pm –


Arrived at the Naval Hospital, where FDR was met by Capt. W. W. Hargrave, Medical Corps, USN, the medical officer in command of the hospital. This is a new hospital - 500 beds - and is located atop Aiea Hill which commands a birdseye view of Pearl Harbor and the sea below. The staff and a large number of ambulatory patients were assembled outside in front of the hospital where FDR paused briefly for some remarks. FDR then dep. his car and toured the hospital quite extensively, stopping to chat briefly with a large number of surprised patients.

Note: As was this morning, most of the patients here were from Saipan. A few from the Marshalls.

Honolulu, HI


3:35pm –


FDR accompanied by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz and Adm. Ghormley, arrived at Washington Place, residence of the Governor, where the party was entertained at a lawn cocktail party. FDR remained seated in his car. With the Gov. and Mrs. Stainback to meet and entertain FDR were Delegate and Mrs. Farrington; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Corbett, Secretary of Hawaii; Mrs. Harold T. Kay, wife of the Military Aide to the Governor; Miss Lil Shelton, the Governor's personal secretary; Federal Judge and Mrs. J. Frank McLaughlin; Howard T. Ferebee, the Governor's Secetary; Robert L. Shivers, Collector of Customs; J. Garner Anthony, former Attorney General of Customs; and Comdr. E. Wayne Tod, Naval Aide to the Governor

Honolulu, HI


4:15pm –


FDR and his party dep. Washington Place for Waikiki.

Honolulu, HI



They arrived at the Holmes Estate and FDR held a Press Conference.

Honolulu, HI


4:45pm –


Press Conf. PC #962 (FDR) (Press and Radio Conference). Press correspondents on duty in the Hawaiian area were presented to FDR by Capt. Waldo Drake, USNR, Public Relations Officer on Adm. Chester W. Nimitz's staff, before the conference. Merriman Smith, Howard Fleiger, Robert Nixon and Carlton Smith, who had come to Hawaii by air subsequent to our departure from San Diego, CA, were also present.

Waikiki, Honolulu, T.H.



FDR accompanied by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, Gen. Richardson and members of his immediate party, dep. Waikiki by automobile for the Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, HI.

Waikiki, Honolulu, T.HI.



FDR arrived at the Navy Yard, sat in his car for several minutes chatting with Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, Adm. Ghormley and Gen. Richardson.

Note: During his 3 day stay in hawaii, FDR was chauffeured by W. F. Reasley, boatswain's mate second class. USN, the driver regularly assigned to Adm. Ghormley.

Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, T.HI.



FDR came on board the USS Baltimore. Judge Samuel I. Rosenman and Elmer Davis, who dep. FDR's pary here, were on the dock to see FDR off. So were the newsmen, Messers. Smith, Nixon, and Fleiger, and Secret Service Agents Reilly, Rowley, Wood, Peterson and Lowery. Elmer Davis was to continue on to the Central Pacific and the others returned to the United States by aircraft. Capt. J. S. MacKinnon, USNR, Chief of Staff, Seventeenth Naval District, took passage from Pearl Harbor, HI to the Aleutians, AK in the USS Baltimore to act as pilot and guide for FDR's party while in the Aleutian-Alaskan Area.

Note: The White House correspondents accompanied the President on all of his inspection trips while in Hawaii.

Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, HI.



Dewey Long, who had come aboard with FDR's party, dep. the ship with official White House mail. FDR dep. his cabin and went to the Flag bridge and word was given for us to get underway once again.

Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, T.HI.



The USS Baltimore and other units of our task group were underway from Pearl Harbor, HI for Adak, AK in the Aleutians.

Note: During stay in Honalulu Fala had to remain aboard the USS Baltimore as the Territorial quarentine regulations require that all dogs landed in the Territory be impounded for a period of 4 months.

Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, T.HI.



Set course 353, speed 22 knots.

Enroute Adak. AK



In Hyde Park, NY


USH = White House Usher's Diary, STE = Stenographer's Diary, PC = Press Conference, TU = Tully's Appointment Diary

These transcripts are based on archival sources documenting President Roosevelt's daily activities, including the White House Usher's Log and the White House Stenographer's Diary. The transcripts were created for reference purposes. Because errors can occur in data entry, we encourage you to review and cite to the original sources displayed below.


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