November 28th, 1943


Times Log Location Source


John G. Winant, W. Averell Harriman, Lt. Gen. Ismay, Gen. Connolly, Gen. Hurley

Note: No time given, 0900 assumed. Note that a complete list of the American party visiting Teheran appears on p. 462 of the volume of "Foreign Relations of the United States"

Teheran, Iran



Joseph V. Stalin sent word of his concern about the distance that separated the American Legation from the Russian Embassy because the city was filled with Axis sympathizers and that an unhappy incident might occur to any of the heads of state driving through the city to visit each other. FDR agreed and decided to move later that day to the Russian Embassy in a portion that would be under a separate roof.

Teheran, Iran



Worked on mail from Washington, DC

Teheran, Iran


11:30am –


Joint Chiefs of Staff: Adm. William D. Leahy, Gen. George C. Marshall, Adm. Ernest J. King, Gen. Henry H. Arnold, Capt. Royal, Lt. Col. McCarthy.

Teheran, Iran



With Adm. William D. Leahy, Harry L. Hopkins, and Maj. John Boettiger, left the American Legation for the Russian Embassy to stay there as guests. While FDR and his party occupied the main building of the Embassy, Joseph V. Stalin and his party lived in one of the smaller houses within the Russian Embassy compound. The British Legation was just one block away. Adm. Wilson Brown, Ross T. McIntire, Gen. Edwin M. Watson returned to the American Legation to continue the impression of occupancy of those quarters by FDR and his party.

Teheran, Iran



Immediately following FDR's arrival at the Russian Embassy, Joseph V. Stalin and Mr. Pavlov (his interpreter), called on FDR in their first meeting together. After Joseph V. Stalin departed, Commissar Molotov called on FDR.

Teheran, Iran


4:00pm –


FDR, Prime Min. Winston S. Churchill, and Joseph V. Stalin had their first joint meeting at the Russian Embassy. Others present were - For U.S.: Harry L. Hopkins, Adm. William D. Leahy, Adm. Ernest J. King, Maj. Gen. Deane, Capt. Royal, Charles E. Bohlen. For U.K.: Foreign Sec. Anthony Eden, Field Marshall Sir John Dill, Gen. Brooke, Fleet Adm. Cunningham, Air Chief Marshal Portal, Lt. Gen. Ismay, Maj. Birse. For USSR: Foreign Commissar Molotov, Marshal Voroshilov, Mr. Pavlov, Mr. Berezhkov.

Note: Gen. George C. Marshall and Gen. Hap Arnold were not present because of a misunderstanding as to the time of the meeting, which had been called on short notice; they were on an automobile tour of Teheran.

Teheran, Iran



With Lt. (jg) Rigdon worked on official mail from Washington, DC. Signed Congressional bills S321, S364, S1336, S1354, and a proclamation entitled "Capture of Prizes".

Teheran, Iran


8:30pm –


Hosted dinner for Prime Min. Winston S. Churchill, Joseph V. Stalin, Anthony Eden, W. Averell Harriman, Charles E. Bohlen, Amb. Clark Kerr, Maj. Birse, Commissar Molotov, Mr. Pavlov. Group discussed conference matters after dinner.

Teheran, Iran



In New York, NY


USH = White House Usher's Diary, STE = Stenographer's Diary, PC = Press Conference, TU = Tully's Appointment Diary

These transcripts are based on archival sources documenting President Roosevelt's daily activities, including the White House Usher's Log and the White House Stenographer's Diary. The transcripts were created for reference purposes. Because errors can occur in data entry, we encourage you to review and cite to the original sources displayed below.


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