Logo for 66274(22) | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

66274(22) | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

Photo ID:
June 1942
Original caption reads: "Production: New TVA Synthetic Ammonia Plant.  Fitting a valve to serve one of the gas compressors in TVA's new synthetic ammonia plant in the Muscle Shoals area.  Ammonia is made here by the high-pressure synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen.  The ammonia thus secured is converted at Muscle Shoals to ammonium nitrate for use in the making of high explosive shells.  In addition to the production of munitions, the TVA is engaged in research in many fields, seeking new sources for strategic materials and better ways to utilize them in the war effort."
Phys. Desc:
Still Photograph
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
To the best of our knowledge, this image is in the public domain and can be used without further permission.