August 2nd, 1938


Times Log Location Source


Rear Adm. Walter N. Vernou, USN, now Commandant of the Fifteenth Naval District and formerly FDR's Naval Aide, arrived to pay his respects and enjoy fishing.

Note: The Admiral's name might be Vernon.

USS Houston



FDR embarked with Adm. Walter N. Vernou in a motor whale-boat and proceeded to Wafer Bay. There they disembarked and enjoyed a picnic lunch in a tropical setting.

USS Houston


USH = White House Usher's Diary, STE = Stenographer's Diary, PC = Press Conference, TU = Tully's Appointment Diary

These transcripts are based on archival sources documenting President Roosevelt's daily activities, including the White House Usher's Log and the White House Stenographer's Diary. The transcripts were created for reference purposes. Because errors can occur in data entry, we encourage you to review and cite to the original sources displayed below.


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