August 4th, 1944


Times Log Location Source


FDR did not leave the ship today as we kept ourselves in readiness to get underway immediately when the weather broke. During the afternoon Adm. Fletcher, Adm. Whiting, Gen. Emmons and Gen. Johnson called on FDR and various members of his party. Adm. Fletcher, Gen. Emmons and Gen. Johnson had lunch with FDR and continued their discussions of the future role of the Aluetians in the war and post war period.

Adak, AK



The unfavorable weather held on when it modified considerably.

Adak, AK



The USS Baltimore was undocked and departed Adak for Kodiak, AK in company with the destroyers USS Cummings, Fanning and Dunlap. Our fourth escort, the USS Woodworth, with Capt. MacKInnon had previously departed Adak for Auke Bay. Our task group proceeded out of Kukak Bay.

Adak, AK



Entered the Bering Sea.

Enroute Kodiak, AK



Course 071 and speed 20 knots were set.

Enroute Kodiak, AK



Speed was reduced to 19 knots. The avg. temp. during the day at Adak was 52; a wind from SSE, force 6 or 7, accompanied by a moderate rainfall persisted all day until about 1930. Fog banks were drifting in fron the seaward as we departed Adak and some fog was encountered during the night.

Note: Having been delayed some 26 hr's. by the weather and the weather at Dutch Harbor being reported as none to favorable, it was decided to forego the visit there as there was further risk of becoming weatherbound there.

Enroute Kodiak, AK



In Hyde Park, NY



Maj. and Mrs. John Boettiger (dep. 5:30 pm)


USH = White House Usher's Diary, STE = Stenographer's Diary, PC = Press Conference, TU = Tully's Appointment Diary

These transcripts are based on archival sources documenting President Roosevelt's daily activities, including the White House Usher's Log and the White House Stenographer's Diary. The transcripts were created for reference purposes. Because errors can occur in data entry, we encourage you to review and cite to the original sources displayed below.


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