
The searchable database was created using a variety of original archival sources of information about the President’s daily activities. These sources include the White House Usher’s Log, the White House Stenographer’s Diary, Press Conference records, and the diary of Grace Tully (the President’s personal secretary). Beside each entry in the database, the source of the information is noted by abbreviation, identified in this chart:

Archival Sources:

Abbreviation Source Title

 USH  White House Usher’s Log  *fully digitized
 STE  White House Stenographer’s Diary *fully digitized
 TU  Grace Tully Appointment Diary
 TRP  Official File (OF) 200: Trips of the President
 PAI  President’s Appointment Index
 PR  Press Conferences of Franklin D. Roosevelt
 WSC  Winston S. Churchill Messages
 PP  Public Papers and Addresses of FDR
 LOR  Original Pare Lorentz Chronology
 PRI  Other Printed Resources
 FR  Foreign Relations of the United States series


You can Contact the Roosevelt Library archives for more information about the sources described above.

** Please note that the source transcripts used in the database were created for reference purposes.
Because errors can occur in data entry, we encourage you to review and cite the original sources.