The Grace Tully Collection
The completely digitized Grace Tully Collection is now available online. Browse the finding aid displayed below to access the historical documents or Search This Collection. You can also search for keywords within a particular folder by using the "find" feature located at the top of the folder viewer.
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Finding Aid (Collection Guide):
Collection Overview
- Creators: Grace Tully; Marguerite A. ("Missy") LeHand; Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Quantity: 6.552 cubic feet, (13 boxes)
- Repository: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
- Abstract: This collection is composed of three smaller collections: the Grace Tully Papers, the Marguerite A. ("Missy") LeHand Papers, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers.
More Information about this Collection
Content Note
- This collection is composed of three smaller collections: the Grace Tully Papers, the Marguerite A. ("Missy") LeHand Papers, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers.
- The collection is titled the "Tully Archive" because, while there are three distinct collections within it, all of the materials were in the sole custody of Grace Tully from at least 1941 until her death in 1984, at which time the collection was transferred through numerous dealers and private owners until its ultimate donation to the Roosevelt Library. The title accurately reflects its unique provenance.
Arrangement Note
- When the Tully Collection, aslo know as the Grace Tully Archive, was acquired, there was no discernable original order because the collection had passed through several dealers, auction houses, and private owners prior to its donation to the Library. The materials had been rearranged and repackaged to enhance salability, not preserve original archival order. Archivists at the Roosevelt Library who organized the materials for research imposed a reasonable and accessible order to each sub-collection consistent with standard archival practices. In arranging the collection into its component sub-collections, if original ownership could not be clearly determined, the materials were deemed to belong in the Tully Papers.
- The Tully Archive is arranged into three series:
- Grace Tully Papers
- Marguerite A. ("Missy") LeHand Papers
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers
Biographical Timelines
Grace Tully Biographical Timeline
- Born in Bayonne, New Jersey, August 9, 1900.
- Father died when young, and she and two sisters and brother were raised by devout Catholic mother.
- Attended parochial and convent schools before enrolling in secretarial school.
- Worked for Bishop (then later) Cardinal Patrick Hayes as secretary for ten years.
- Sought new employment with Democratic National Committee in 1928.
- Assigned to assist Eleanor Roosevelt who was organizing support for presidential nominee Al Smith.
- When FDR was nominated for Governor later that year, Grace went to work on Roosevelt's staff.
- Grace performed the dictation and typing duties that FDR's principal personal secretary Missy LeHand disliked.
- Grace served with FDR in Albany during his four years as Governor of New York.
- Moved to Washington in 1933 when FDR elected President. Roles of Tully and LeHand were by this time well defined and accepted. Grace performed dictation and typing, managed the President's mail, and served as primary files manager for the White House.
- After Missy LeHand suffered a stroke in 1941, Grace became FDR's primary personal secretary.
- Grace was in Warm Springs with FDR when he died on April 12, 1945.
- Grace thereafter became executive secretary of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation.
- Prior to his death, FDR appointed Grace to a three person committee to serve as a steward of FDR's papers in preparation for their opening to researchers. The other members of the committee were Harry L. Hopkins and Samuel Rosenman.
- The papers committee was disbanded in the late 1940s after ownership of the FDR papers was confirmed in the United States government following the administration of Roosevelt's estate. The establishment of the committee was deemed a non-testamentary request by the President not binding on the Archivist of the United States.
- In 1955, Tully joined the staff of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, working closely with then-Senate Majority leader Lyndon B. Johnson. She remained as an aide there until 1965.
- Grace Tully died on June 15, 1984 at George Washington University Hospital in Washington DC.
- She never married and had no children.
Marguerite A. ("Missy") LeHand Biographical Timeline
- Marguerite A. LeHand, known as Missy, was born in Potsdam, New York on September 13, 1898, and grew up in Somerville, Massachusetts.
- Graduated from high school in 1917.
- Held several clerical and secretarial jobs before going to work for the Democratic National Committee headquarters during the 1920 campaign.
- After the defeat of the 1920 Democratic ticket, including his own as the vice presidential nominee, Franklin D. Roosevelt, hired Missy as his personal secretary.
- Was working for FDR at the time he was stricken with polio in 1921.
- After FDR purchased property in Warm Springs, Georgia, Missy traveled with FDR and served as both personal secretary and hostess because Eleanor Roosevelt disliked Warm Springs.
- After FDR was elected Governor of New York, Missy continued to serve as sometime hostess in Albany in Mrs. Roosevelt's absence.
- Upon FDR's election to the presidency, Missy accompanied the Roosevelts to Washington and moved into the White House as did adviser Louis McHenry Howe.
- Missy was principal personal secretary ("PS") to the President, and she would meet with FDR in the morning as he took breakfast in bed, read the newspapers with him, and prepare for the day's schedule.
- In addition to her official duties, Missy held power of attorney for FDR and managed his bank accounts, including paying his bills by check.
- Missy was considered a valued member of the inner circle, and her opinion on matters of state and of politics was sought and considered. She was "one of the boys" and would gather with the rest of FDR's close advisers and listen to election returns, participate in regular card games, and attend FDR's daily afternoon cocktail hours.
- Missy was hardworking and devoted to FDR and her job, rarely taking an afternoon off and even more rarely taking a vacation.
- While her relationship with Eleanor Roosevelt could be strained over the division of labor and confusion of roles, Mrs. Roosevelt treated Missy like a friend and relative.
- Missy suffered a debilitating stroke in 1941 after 21 years of loyal service to FDR. She was hospitalized for several months, then continued her convalescence in Warm Springs and then in Massachusetts.
- Missy LeHand died on July 31, 1944. She never married and had no children. According to the terms of her 1935 Testamentary Instructions, Grace Tully oversaw the administration of her estate and was instructed to dispose of Missy's papers, which is how it is believed that the LeHand Papers became part of the Tully Archive.
Grace Tully Biographical Timeline
Tully Archive Provenance Timeline
- August 3, 1980 - in a
New York Times interview of Grace Tully on the occasion of her 80th birthday, Grace makes mention of having several dozen handwritten notes by FDR in her possession.- August 3, 1980 - in a
- August 27, 1980 - Roosevelt Library Director William R. Emerson writes to Grace asking her to place the materials at the Library. Grace responds that she does not want to part with them at that time, but that "The Library will undoubtedly get them after my death or possibly before."
- June 15, 1984 - Grace Tully dies. She never married and had no children. The Archive passed into the hands of her surviving sister Paula Larrabee, who also worked in the Roosevelt White House.
- March 11, 1985 - Library Director Emerson writes to Mrs. Larrabee and again expresses interest in obtaining Grace's collection of Roosevelt materials. No further contact between the Library and Grace's family took place after this.
- At this point, custody of the Archive grows murky. At some point it passed into the hands of two people (perhaps relatives, but his is unclear) who acted as caretakers for Mrs. Larrabee until her death. It is believed that the Archive passed from these individuals to a small auction house in Atlanta.
- April 2000 - the Archive was placed up for sale through Guernsey Auction House in New York, New York.
- 2000-2002 - it is believed that Glenn Horowitz Bookseller, New York, New York, acquired the Archive for approximately $3.5 million and began preparing it for resale. It was during an event at the Horowitz showroom in 2000 that current Roosevelt Library Director Cynthia Koch saw portions of the collection on display and suspected the true extent of the materials.
- In 2002, The Archive was purchased from Horowitz by Hollinger International Corporation for $8 million. Lord Conrad Black was CEO of Hollinger at the time and an avid collector of FDR-related materials. Lord Black is the author of the book,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom (Public Affairs, 2003).- In 2002, The Archive was purchased from Horowitz by Hollinger International Corporation for $8 million. Lord Conrad Black was CEO of Hollinger at the time and an avid collector of FDR-related materials. Lord Black is the author of the book,
- August 2004 - the Roosevelt Library was notified that Hollinger and its successor Sun Times Media Group had placed the entire Tully Archive for sale at Christie's in New York, New York. Christie's planned to break the collection apart and sell it in lots. Christie's graciously allowed members of the Roosevelt Library and National Archives staff to conduct a survey of the materials.
- Based on this survey, the National Archives determined that portions of it (but only portions) were clearly presidential materials that should have passed to the FDR Library in accordance with President Roosevelt's directions prior to his death.
- Subsequent settlement discussions between the parties led to a joint letter agreement signed in 2005 and extended several times in which Sun Times Media Group/Hollinger International agreed to seek tax relief from Congress to facilitate the donation of the entire Tully Archive to the Roosevelt Library.
- July 2005 - by agreement of the parties, the Tully Archives was packed and sealed by Roosevelt Library Supervisory Archivist Bob Clark and transported to the Roosevelt Library for safekeeping during the settlement discussions.
- March 31, 2009 - Sun Times Media Group filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
- October 8, 2009 - the United States Bankruptcy Court approved the sale of Sun Times Media Group's remaining assets, including the Tully Archive, to the Chicago Newspaper Liquidation Corp.
- February 1, 2010 - President Barack Obama signed into law SB 692, sponsored in the Senate by Charles Schumer (D-NY) and in the House by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), facilitating the donation of the Tully Archive. The law provided for the waiver of the government's claims to the papers provided that the owner made a gift of the entire collection to the National Archives and Records Administration.
- June 28, 2010 - the United States Bankruptcy Court approved the donation of the Tully Archive to the National Archives and Records Administration by Chicago Newspaper Liquidation Corp.
- June 30, 2010 - Chicago Newspaper Liquidation Corp. and the Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero executed the Deed of Gift formally transferring ownership of the Tully Archive to the National Archives and Records Administration.
Materials Removed from the Tully Archive
- Framed items, memorabilia, books and photographs have been removed from the Tully Archive and transferred to the appropriate collection within the FDR Library.
Access and Copyright Restrictions
The writings of Franklin D. Roosevelt within this collection are in the public domain. The official writings of United States government officials within this collection are in the public domain. The writings of Eleanor Roosevelt within this collection are subject to Mrs. Roosevelt's literary estate. All other materials are subject to the United States Copyright law, 17 U.S.C. 101,
et seq.
Related Collections
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers: President's Master Speech File
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers: President's Official File
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers: President's Personal File
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers: President's Secretary's Files
- Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
Contents of this Collection
Grace Tully Papers -
Boxes 1-9:This collection includes an extensive series of personal correspondence between Grace Tully, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, other members of the Roosevelt Administration and White House staff, friends and family. A recurring name throughout the correspondence is Paula Tully/Paula Larrabee. Paula was Grace's sister who also worked in the White House. Of particular interest in the correspondence files are letters from Eleanor Roosevelt revealing the extent to which Grace assisted Mrs. Roosevelt in her day-to-day activities. There also is correspondence exchanged between Grace and Lyndon B. and Lady Bird Johnson that casts light on Grace's life after the Roosevelt years. The collection also contains a series of writings by Grace Tully, including draft notes and chapters for her book
FDR: My Boss as well as unpublished reminiscences of FDR. Finally, there is an extensive series of memorabilia, including copies of FDR speech texts inscribed by the President to Grace, copies of White House press releases, a set of official Logs of the President's Trips, inauguration memorabilia, and colorful menus from railroad trips Grace took with the President.-
Box 1
Subseries Folder Title View Online Correspondence A-C [View] Correspondence Astor, Vincent, 1941-1949 and undated [View] Correspondence Barkley, Alben W., 1936-1940 [View] Correspondence Bullitt, William C., 1942 [View] Correspondence Byrd, Adm. Richard E., 1941-1962 [View] Correspondence Byrd, Robert C., 1980 [View] Correspondence Byrnes, James F., 1942 and undated [View] Correspondence Cahill, Raymond T., 1939-1940 [View] Correspondence Cardozo, Benjamin N., 1930 [View] Correspondence Carter, Jimmy, 1980 [View] Correspondence Cartier, Pierre C., 1935-1945 [View] Correspondence Chandor, Douglas, 1947-1954 [View] Correspondence Clark, Mark W., 1944-1945 [View] Correspondence Corcoran, Thomas C., 1958 [View] Correspondence Cummings, Homer S., 1936-1947 [View] Correspondence D-F [View] Correspondence Delano, Laura F., 1944-1947 [View] Correspondence Donovan, William J., 1942 and undated [View] Correspondence Douglas, William O., 1941-1962 [View] Correspondence Dowling, Eddie, 1942-1945 [View] Correspondence Early, Stephen T., 1940-1946 and undated [View] Correspondence Eisenhower, Dwight D. and Mamie, 1951-1955 [View] Correspondence Farley, James A., 1935-1970 [View] Correspondence Forrestal, James, 1945 [View] Correspondence Frankfurter, Felix, 1939-1946, and undated [View] Correspondence Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 1943-1985 [View] Correspondence Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, 1947 and undated [View] Correspondence Franklin D. Roosevelt Warm Springs Memorial Commission, 1961 [View] Correspondence G-I [View] Correspondence Halifax, Lord, 1945 [View] Correspondence Hassett, William D., 1943-1950 [View] Correspondence Hoover, J. Edgar 1943 [View]
Box 2
Subseries Folder Title View Online Correspondence Hopkins, Harry L., 1938-1946 and undated [View] Correspondence Hull, Cordell, 1934 [View] Correspondence Humphrey, Hubert H. and Muriel, 1964-1977 [View] Correspondence Ickes, Harold L., 1935-1945 [View] Correspondence J-L [View] Correspondence Johnson, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird, 1942-1966 [View] Correspondence Johnson, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird, 1969-1984 and undated [View] Correspondence Kennedy, John F., 1961 [View] Correspondence Kennedy, Joseph P., 1936-1960 [View] Correspondence Lehman, Herbert H., 1929-1933 [View] Correspondence LeHand, Marguerite A. ("Missy"), 1929-1944 and undated [View] Correspondence M [View] Correspondence Marshall, George C., 1945 [View] Correspondence Mondale, Walter F., 1980 [View] Correspondence Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 1935-1945 and undated [View] Correspondence Muskie, Edmund S., 1970-1984 [View] Correspondence N-Q [View] Correspondence O'Connor, Basil, 1929-1947 [View] Correspondence O'Connor and Farber, 1945-1947 [View] Correspondence Offie, Carmel, 1940-1945 [View] Correspondence Otto of Austria, 1944-1945 [View] Correspondence Perkins, Frances, 1934 [View]
Box 3
Subseries Folder Title View Online Correspondence R-T [View] Correspondence Rayburn, Sam, 1953-1957 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Anna [Dall, Boettiger], 1933-1945 and undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor 1936-1940 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor 1929-1934 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1941-1945 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1946-1949 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1950-1962 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor, undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Elliott, 1943-1945 [View]
Box 4
Subseries Folder Title View Online Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1928-1932 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1933-1941 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1942-1945 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D., undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Transcripts of Longhand, 1931-1945 and undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, James, 1932-1984 and undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 1932-1933 and undated [View] Correspondence Rosenman, Samuel I., 1930-1944 and undated [View] Correspondence Rowe, James H., Jr., 1940-1944 [View] Correspondence Rutherfurd, Lucy Mercer, 1944-1945 and undated [View] Correspondence Sherwood,Robert, 1941-1951 [View] Correspondence Sherwood, Robert: Drawings, 1941-1948 and undated [View] Correspondence Spellman, Francis J., 1940-1957 [View] Correspondence Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 1943-1945 [View] Correspondence Stevenson, Adlai E., 1948-1964 and undated [View] Correspondence Stimson, Henry L., 1945 [View] Correspondence Suckley, Margaret L., 1942-1944 [View] Correspondence Sullivan,Ed, 1951 [View] Correspondence Thompson, Malvina C., 1933-1946 and undated [View] Correspondence Truman, Harry S., 1945-1955 [View] Correspondence U-Z [View] Correspondence Unidentified [View] Correspondence Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr., 1934-1961 and undated [View] Correspondence Wallace, Henry A., 1945 [View] Correspondence Welles, Orson, 1944 [View] Correspondence Winchell, Walter, 1943-1964 and undated [View]
Box 5
Subseries Folder Title View Online Financial Materials, 1907-1953 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Gift Lists, 1943-1964 and undated [View] Writings Draft Article about FDR for The New Republic 1946 [View] Writings FDR, My Boss : Chapter Drafts and Notes,ca. 1947-1949 [View Part 1 of 3]
[View Part 2 of 3]
[View Part 3 of 3]Writings FDR, My Boss : Correspondence,1947-1953 [View] Writings Miscellaneous Notes and Drafts, undated [View Part 1 of 4]
[View Part 2 of 4]
[View Part 3 of 4]
[View Part 4 of 4]Writings Shorthand Notes, 1938-1940 and undated [View Part 1 of 5]
[View Part 2 of 5]
[View Part 3 of 5]
[View Part 4 of 5]
[View Part 5 of 5]Writings Speeches, 1955-1977 [View] Writings Unpublished Reminiscences, 1950 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Phi Beta Kappa Speech, Harvard University, June 17, 1929 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Speech on the 100th Anniversary of the Death of LaFayette, May 20, 1934 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 1935 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Acceptance Speech on Renomination for the Presidency, June 27, 1936 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat Following Drought Inspection Tour, September 6, 1936 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Commencement Address at the University of Virginia, June 10, 1940 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Radio Address Accepting Renomination for the Presidency, July 19, 1940 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Statement of the President on Adoption of Selective Service, September 16, 1940 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Radio Address from Hyde Park on Election Eve, November 4, 1940 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on National Security (Arsenal of Democracy Speech), December 20, 1940 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Message to Congress on Landing American Troops in Iceland, July 7, 1941 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on National Defense, September 11, 1941 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Navy and Total Defense Day Address, October 27, 1941 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches War Message to Congress, December 8, 1941 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on War with Japan, December 9, 1941 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Message to Congress Asking that a State of War be Recognized with Germany and Italy, December 11, 1941 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Radio Address on 150th Anniversary of the Ratification of the Bill of Rights, December 15, 1941 [View]
Box 6
Subseries Folder Title View Online FDR Inscribed Speeches Declaration by United Nations, January 2, 1942 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Annual Message to Congress, January 6, 1942 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on Progress of the War, February 23, 1942 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Message to Congress Outlining Economic Stabilization Program, April 27, 1942 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on Economic Stabilization, April 28, 1942 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on the Home Front, October 12, 1942 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fireside Chat on Federal Seizure of the Coal Mines, May 2, 1943 [View] FDR Inscribed Speeches Fourth Inaugural Address, January 20, 1945 [View] FDR Materials Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers: Lists [View Part 1 of 4]
[View Part 2 of 4]
[View Part 3 of 4]
[View Part 4 of 4]FDR Materials Other Inscribed Items [View] FDR Materials Press Releases, 1932 [View] FDR Materials Press Releases, 1934-1938 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]FDR Materials Press Releases, March 11, 1938 [View Part 1 of 3]
[View Part 2 of 3]
[View Part 3 of 3]FDR Materials Press Releases, 1939-1941 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]FDR Materials Press Releases, 1943-1945 [View] FDR Materials Trip Itineraries, 1932-1945 and undated [View]
Box 7
Subseries Folder Title View Online Logs of the President's Trips Fishing Cruise to Dry Tortugas, Florida, November 29 - December 6, 1937 [View] Logs of the President's Trips Cruise on Board USS Philadelphia ,April 30 - May 8, 1938 [View] Logs of the President's Trips Inspection Cruise and Fishing Expedition on Board USS Houston ,July 16 - August 9, 1938 [View] Logs of the President's Trips Inspection Cruise through the West Indies, December 3-4, 1940 [View] Logs of the President's Trips Inspection Trip and Cruise on Board USS Potomac ,March 19 - April 1, 1941 [View] Logs of the President's Trips Inspection Trip, September 17 - October 1, 1942 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Logs of the President's Trips Casablanca Conference, January 9-31, 1943 [View] Logs of the President's Trips Inspection Tour, April 13-29, 1943 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Logs of the President's Trips Canada-First Quebec Conference and Ottawa, August 16-25, 1943 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Logs of the President's Trips Africa and the Middle East (Cairo and Teheran Conferences), November - December, 1943 [View Part 1 of 3]
[View Part 2 of 3]
[View Part 3 of 3]Logs of the President's Trips Inspection Trip to the Pacific, July - August 1944 [View Part 1 of 3]
[View Part 2 of 3]
[View Part 3 of 3]Logs of the President's Trips Canada-Second Quebec Conference, September 9-22, 1944 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Logs of the President's Trips Crimea Conference and Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, January 22 - February 28, 1945 [View Part 1 of 4]
[View Part 2 of 4]
[View Part 3 of 4]
[View Part 4 of 4]
Box 8
Subseries Folder Title View Online Memorabilia Christmas Cards [View] Memorabilia Christmas Cards from Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt [View] Memorabilia Funeral of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1945 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (Governor), 1929 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (Governor), 1931 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (President), 1933 [View Part 1 of 3]
[View Part 2 of 3]
[View Part 3 of 3]Memorabilia Inauguration (President), 1937 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (President), 1941 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (President), 1945 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (President), 1961 [View] Memorabilia Inauguration (President), 1965 [View]
Box 9
Subseries Folder Title View Online Memorabilia Invitations [View] Memorabilia Invitations-White House [View] Memorabilia Miscellaneous, 1914-1970 and undated [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Memorabilia Railroad Trip Menus, 1932 [View] Memorabilia Railroad Trip Menus, 1934-1936 [View] Memorabilia Railroad Trip Menus, 1937 [View] Memorabilia Railroad Trip Menus, 1938 [View] Memorabilia Railroad Trip Menus, undated [View]
Box 1
Marguerite A. ("Missy") LeHand Papers -
Box 10:This collection is composed primarily of personal correspondence files. Of particular importance are personal letters Missy received from diplomatic figures abroad at the outbreak of and in the early years of the war, including Amb. Joseph P. Kennedy in London, Amb. William C. Bullitt in Paris, and Carmel Offie, Bullitt's assistant in Paris. Also interesting are the letters from FDR's mother Sara Delano Roosevelt. The collection also includes Missy's 1935 Testamentary Instructions as well as a draft article about her experiences working in the White House with FDR.
Box 10
Subseries Folder Title View Online Correspondence A-C [View] Correspondence Astor, Helen, 1935-1939 [View] Correspondence Astor, Vincent, 1933-1940 and undated [View] Correspondence Astor, William ("Bill"), undated [View] Correspondence Barkley, Alben W., 1938 [View] Correspondence Baruch, Bernard, undated [View] Correspondence Boettiger, John, 1935 [View] Correspondence Bullitt, William C., 1937-1940 and undated [View] Correspondence Byrd, Adm. Richard E., 1935 [View] Correspondence Cartier, Pierre C., 1940 [View] Correspondence Cudahy, John, 1939-1940 [View] Correspondence Cummings, Homer S., 1933-1939 [View] Correspondence D-F [View] Correspondence Delano, Laura F., 1934-1938 [View] Correspondence Douglas, William O., 1941 [View] Correspondence Dowling, Eddie, 1937-1941 and undated [View] Correspondence Early, Stephen T., 1934-1939 [View] Correspondence Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 1940 [View] Correspondence Farley, James A., 1936-1941 [View] Correspondence Flanagan, Rev. Edward J., 1937-1943 [View] Correspondence G-H [View] Correspondence Hoover, J. Edgar, 1936 [View] Correspondence Hopkins, Harry L., 1940-1943 [View] Correspondence Hull, Cordell, 1940 [View] Correspondence Hurst, Frannie, 1931-1933 [View] Correspondence Ickes, Harold L., 1933-1939 and undated [View] Correspondence Kennedy, Joseph P., 1938-1941 and undated [View] Correspondence Lindley, Ernest K., 1931 [View] Correspondence M-O [View] Correspondence O'Connor, Basil, 1932-1940 [View] Correspondence Offie, Carmel, 1935-1940 [View] Correspondence Perkins, Frances, 1941 [View] Correspondence R-T [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Anna [Dall, Boettiger], 1939-1940 and undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1931-1941 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1934-1938 and undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Transcripts of Longhand, 1934 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, G. Hall, 1940 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, James, 1939 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 1935-1939 and undated [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Correspondence Rosenman, Samuel I., 1938 and undated [View] Correspondence Unidentified [View] Correspondence Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr., 1934-1938 and undated [View] Correspondence W [View] FDR Press Releases, 1935-1936 [View] Memorabilia: Cards and Invitations, [View] Testamentary Instructions, 1935 [View] Writings: Draft Article about FDR and Working in the White House, ca. 1937-1938 [View]
Box 10
Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers -
Boxes 11-13:This collection can truly be described as a "first draft of history." As FDR's personal secretaries, both Missy LeHand and Grace Tully took dictation, drafted correspondence, and worked on the President's speech drafts. As a result, the two women handled drafts of correspondence, handwritten notes or chits from FDR that would have been typed into memorandum form, and first and intermediate drafts of speeches and messages. This collection contains all of this variety of material and is primarily composed of documents that normally would have been filed in FDR's own papers in the White House that came to the Library after his death. For reasons lost to history, this material remained in the custody of his secretaries and became part of the Tully Archive instead of being filed within FDR's own papers.
Box 11
Subseries Folder Title View Online Correspondence Bevill-Champion, F.G., 1937 [View] Correspondence Brown, Elliot C., 1933 [View] Correspondence Brown, Wilson, 1944 [View] Correspondence Byoir, Carl, 1936 [View] Correspondence Byrns, Joseph Wellington, 1935 [View] Correspondence Corcoran, Thomas G., 1935 [View] Correspondence Couzens, James, 1936 [View] Correspondence Cushing, Mrs. Harvey, 1937 [View] Correspondence Day, Joseph P., 1934 [View] Correspondence Delano, Frederic A., 1936 and undated [View] Correspondence Drabble, R. K., 1937 [View] Correspondence Edison, Charles, 1940 [View] Correspondence Epstein, Henry, 1935 [View] Correspondence Fahey, John H., 1933 [View] Correspondence Farley, James A., 1932 [View] Correspondence Flynn, Edward, 1942 [View] Correspondence Frankfurter, Felix, 1935-1939 [View] Correspondence Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 1943 [View] Correspondence Friederich, Prince of Prussia, 1933 [View] Correspondence Garner, John Nance, 1933-1937 [View] Correspondence Gilligan, C. F., 1938 [View] Correspondence Glass, Carter, 1935 [View] Correspondence Grayson, Cary T., 1932 [View] Correspondence Greenway, Mrs. John C., 1932 [View] Correspondence Guernsey, Homer W., 1934 [View] Correspondence Herridge, William Duncan, 1935 [View] Correspondence Hobson, Richard P., 1936 [View] Correspondence Hoover, Herbert, 1932 [View] Correspondence Hopkins, Harry L., 1940 [View] Correspondence Horner, Henry, 1933 [View] Correspondence Howe, Louis McHenry, 1934 [View] Correspondence Hull, Cordell, 1937 [View] Correspondence Jones, C. W., undated [View] Correspondence Jones, Jesse H., 1941 [View] Correspondence Johnson, Hugh S., 1934 [View] Correspondence Kelly, Colin P. III, 1941 [View] Correspondence Kennedy, Joseph P., undated [View] Correspondence King, W. L. Mackenzie, 1938 [View] Correspondence Ladd, Carl E., 1935 [View] Correspondence Landis, James M., 1937 [View] Correspondence LeHand, Marguerite A. ("Missy") 1942-1943 [View] Correspondence Lehman, Herbert H., ca. 1936 [View] Correspondence Loftus, Robert, 1940 [View] Correspondence McGuire, Edward S., 1940 [View] Correspondence McIlhenny, John, 1940 [View] Correspondence McNutt, Paul V., 1937 [View] Correspondence McSwain, J. J., 1932 [View] Correspondence Murray, Arthur, 1938 [View] Correspondence Mussolini, Benito, 1933-1937 [View] Correspondence Palmer, Peggy, 1939 [View] Correspondence Peabody, Endicott, 1935 [View] Correspondence Pearson, Paul M., 1935 [View] Correspondence Phillips, William, 1933 [View] Correspondence Pinchot, Gifford, 1931 [View] Correspondence Pulsifier, George P., 1937 [View] Correspondence Purcell, Thomas E., 1933 [View] Correspondence Robinson, Joseph T., 1935 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1932-1935 and undated [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 1941 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, G. Hall, 1940 [View] Correspondence Roosevelt, James, undated [View] Correspondence Ruland, Arthur J., 1936 [View] Correspondence Slomovitz, Philip, 1935 [View] Correspondence Smith, Alfred E., 1932 [View] Correspondence Stimson, Henry L., 1942 [View] Correspondence Sumners, Hatton W., 1937 [View] Correspondence Talmadge, Eugene, 1935 [View] Correspondence Tuttle, Charles E., 1939 [View] Correspondence Van Wagner, Murray D., undated [View] Correspondence Villard, Oswald Garriosn, 1935 [View] Correspondence Wemyss, Lady Wester, 1936 [View] Correspondence White, George, 1933 [View] Correspondence Windsor, Edward, Duke of, 1937 [View] Correspondence Yamamoto, Mrs. Admiral [joke letter to], 1943 [View]
Box 12
Subseries Folder Title View Online Daily Appointment Schedules [2 folders], 1939-1941 [View Part 1 of 4]
[View Part 2 of 4]
[View Part 3 of 4]
[View Part 4 of 4]Handwritten Notes and Chits Betting Sheets and Election Returns [View] Handwritten Notes and Chits Domestic Policy and New Deal [View] Handwritten Notes and Chits Meetings and Social Entertainments [View] Handwritten Notes and Chits Military and Defense [View] Handwritten Notes and Chits Miscellaneous [View] Handwritten Notes and Chits Nominations and Appointments [View] Handwritten Notes and Chits Trip and Travel Arrangements [View] List of Speeches, 1920-1940 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Memorabilia: Engraving on Silk of Napoleon, Brought from France in 1869 by Sara Delano Roosevelt's Father (copy-original transferred to Museum Collection) [View] Miscellaneous Materials, 1930-1941 and undated [View] Testamentary Instructions, 1945 [View] Trip and Travel Materials, 1932-1944 [View]
Box 13
Subseries Folder Title View Online Speech Drafts Phi Beta Kappa Speech, Harvard University, June 17, 1929 [View] Speech Drafts Statement by the Governor on Prison Riots and Prison Reform, July 30, 1929 [View] Speech Drafts Message to the Legislature Recommending Further Improvements in Prison Administration, January 6, 1930 [View] Speech Drafts Armistice Day Address, Boston, Massachusetts, November 11, 1930 [View] Speech Drafts Annual Message to the Legislature, January 7, 1931 [View] Speech Drafts Memorandum for the Press Regarding Selection of Senator Barkley to Chair the Democratic National Convention, April 4, 1932 [View] Speech Drafts Tribute to George Washington, Address before the Conference of Governors, Richmond, Virginia April 27, 1932 [View] Speech Drafts Speech Accepting the Democratic nomination for the presidency, Chicago, Illinois, July 2, 1932 [View] Speech Drafts Statement on Soldiers' Bonus, October 4, 1932 [View] Speech Drafts Address at Rochester, New York, October 18, 1932 [View] Speech Drafts Statement on New York State and Federal Budgets, ca. 1932 [View] Speech Drafts Appeal to Nations of the World on Disarmament, May 16, 1933 [View] Speech Drafts Address at the Lighting of the Community Christmas Tree, Washington DC, December 24, 1933 [View] Speech Drafts Address before the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, December 28, 1933 [View] Speech Drafts Statement on Disarmament, ca. 1933 [View] Speech Drafts Remarks on Receipt of Monies Raised on Behalf of Crippled Children, May 9, 1934 [View] Speech Drafts Address at Bankers' Convention, Constitution Hall, Washington DC, October 24, 1934 [View] Speech Drafts Remarks on Andrew Jackson and the Hermitage, November 1934 [View] Speech Drafts Message to Congress on the Use of National Resources, January 24, 1935 [View] Speech Drafts Memorandum on Signing Joint Resolution on Appropriations, February 13, 1935 [View] Speech Drafts Message to Congress on Tax Revision, June 19, 1935 [View] Speech Drafts Address on Agriculture, Fremont, Nebraska, September 28, 1935 [View] Speech Drafts Jackson Day Dinner Address, Washington DC, January 8, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Address at the Dedication of the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, January 19, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Message to Congress Vetoing the Soldiers' Bonus for a Second Time, January 24, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Radio Address to Boy Scouts, February 8, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Democratic National Platform, June 25, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Speech by John E. Mack Nominating Franklin D. Roosevelt for President, June 26, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Acceptance Speech on Renomination for the Presidency, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Address at the Dedication of Shenandoah National Park, July 3, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Address at the Dedication of the Triborough Bridge, New York City, July 11, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Speech at Omaha, Nebraska, October 9, 1936 [View] Speech Drafts Annual Message to Congress, January 6, 1937 [View] Speech Drafts Message to Congress Transmitting the National Resources Committee's Six-Year Program of Public Works, February 3, 1937 [View] Speech Drafts Fireside Chat on Reorganization of the Judiciary, March 9, 1937 [View Part 1 of 2]
[View Part 2 of 2]Speech Drafts Address at Bonneville Dam, Oregon, September 28, 1937 [View] Speech Drafts Message to Congress Recommending Legislation, November 5, 1937 [View] Speech Drafts Annual Message to Congress, January 3, 1938 [View] Speech Drafts Address at the Jackson Day Dinner, Washington DC, January 8, 1938 [View] Speech Drafts Message to Congress on Stimulating Recovery, April 14, 1938 [View] Speech Drafts Fireside Chat on Economic Conditions, April 14, 1938 [View] Speech Drafts Address at Marietta, Ohio, July 8, 1938 [View] Speech Drafts Radio Address on Third Anniversary of Social Security, August 15, 1938 [View] Speech Drafts Annual Message to Congress, January 4, 1939 [View] Speech Drafts Young Democratic Clubs of America Resolution, 1939 [View] Speech Drafts Radio Address for the Mobilization of Human Needs, October 13, 1940 [View] Speech Drafts Speech at Poughkeepsie, New York, November 4, 1940 [View] Speech Drafts Radio Address from Hyde Park on Election Eve, November 4, 1940 [View] Speech Drafts Christmas Greeting to the Nation, December 24, 1940 [View] Speech Drafts Third Inaugural Address, January 20, 1941 [View] Speech Drafts Address at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, March 15, 1941 [View] Speech Drafts Addresses at the Dedication of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, June 30, 1941 [View] Speech Drafts D-Day Prayer, June 6, 1944 [View] Speech Drafts Miscellaneous Speech Notes and Materials [View]
Box 11